Plant this to save the #monarch Asclepias syriaca (Common Milkweed)
Love the look of the common milkweed (asclepias syriaca). IWant to help the endangered monarch? Grow plants from the 3 milkweed species we share. Monarch caterpillars exclusively feed on milkweed (also called a host plant). #savemonarchs #milkweed #milkweedformonarchs
小説 夏と罰 (上) asclepias syriaca, the common milkweed - let me go
dem Honigduft der Papageienblume (Asclepias syriaca) entkommt keine Hummel #Gartennachrichten
planted a few dozen Asclepias spp. Primarily A. tuberose (the classic orange milkweed), but also a yellow variety of the same, and A. incarnata. All my A. syriaca died during the hardening off (yes I know) stage. The plants are totally gone. I assume they got et.
Trichome densities in Asclepias syriaca (common milkweed) show a latitudinal gradient! latitudes 36° to 47°
@rogertansey Asclepias syriaca
@OldHeathen @CBatRun There are over 140 known species of milkweed, eleven of which are native to the state of Pennsylvania. The three most common species in our region are common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa), and swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata).
@FergusFun11 @donnadoutsk The latin names (left to right top to bottom) Asclepias tuberosa Asclepias incarnata Asclepias syriaca Asclepias purpurea (difficult to grow) Asclepias speciosa Asclepias perennis Asclepias exaltata Asclepias viridis Asclepias sullivantii Asclepias verticillata
@MacFarlaneNews I love that she’s in front of blooming milkweed, Asclepias syriaca. Nice hint to save the monarchs
Asclepias syriaca - Common Milkweed by Prairie Nursery on PlantsMap #wildflowers #nature #butterflygardens
by Jelly Brain auf flickr Asclepias syriaca seedpod just starting to explode. This pod is from the fat leaved 'Common Milkweed' found in the ditches in Ontario.
@LM30freedom @maymayentrata07 Asclepias syriaca/ purple milkweed #MaymayEntrata
@LibKot 実験計画 オオカバマダラの幼虫を2つの温度(25 °Cと28 °C)と植物化学を変化させた3つの乳草種(Asclepias incarnata、Asclepias syriaca、およびAsclepias curassavica)上で完全に因数分解実験で飼育した。累積飛行距離、飛行時間、瞬間速度を測定する自動飛行ミルを用いて、飛行能力を試験した。
The common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca, is native to the eastern US. It was one of the first plants in North America to be described in a botanical survey of American plants published in 1635 in French. The seeds inside the pods have long white flossy tails for wind dispersal.
Interrupting the chaos of your feed with some peppy young asclepias syriaca, or common milkweed, growing on the side of a trail in South #Boulder.
@DeVos1990 @Wrath_of_Comm Yes indeed, and I'll bet it's heavenly to smell! Common Milkweed Asclepias syriaca.
Asclepias syriaca - Common Milkweed by Prairie Nursery on PlantsMap #PollinatorWeek #wildflowers #landscapes
It's #pollinatorweek! Here's a bumble bee covered in pollen on Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca). | #insects #bees #nature #wildlife #nikonnature #nikonwildlife #nikonp900