@acherontiadex I had a go last year with Aylostera heliosa and it worked. I went to a cactus grafting workshop held outdoors in Bradford. This one was indoors in Leeds! https://t.co/0mMm8pyOlm
Rebutia/Aylostera heliosa condorensis cactus on the day I grafted it and 8 weeks later. It has grown so much. This was my first go at grafting, but I think I will be going to another cactus grafting demo next year. #cactus #HouseplantHour #rebutia #aylostera https://t.co/qDtpQIlOKf
@Rickretweets @just_cameroon I guess I mainly grafted it to see how much it would speed up the growth. Aylostera heliosa can be a bit rot-prone too so I guess it could also make it easier to keep alive. #HouseplantHour
Bir @YouTube videosu beğendim: https://t.co/uLY1mP7K97 Aylostera heliosa
Мне понравилось видео "Aylostera heliosa" (https://t.co/jUIYKgNCgY) на @YouTube.
aylostera heliosa v. condorensis описание ych1.icehard-group.ru/-uchebnik-po-i… учебник по информатике босова
http://t.co/Sffua3TvPN Aylostera heliosa v. condorensis описание http://t.co/TjddhQCcth
#rebutia #aylostera héliosa #royan #cactus #cactée #kakteen #kaktus #fleur #flowers #flower… http://t.co/CWLeYVpvN6
Heutiger Kakteenneuzugang: Gymnocalycium buenekeri und Aylostera heliosa v. condorensis