Brighamia insignis季節タイプ | ー |
日あたり | ー |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
レッドリスト 絶滅寸前
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9) La planta cuyo único polinizador es el ser humano: Brighamia insignis o palma de Hawaii, desde la extinción de su único polinizador, una especie de polilla, la única forma que tienen de reproducirse y evitar extinguirse es que nosotros las polinicemos manualmente. ♂️ https://t.co/vcDrp41pzN
@plantfam Brighamia insignis it's so cute and I'm sure I could take care of it fine enough but it won't thrive at all, and would cost loads just to get one
Hawaii Palm Plant – 1 or 2 from Go Groopie - https://t.co/lnyQvmSYqP - Get a luau look in your home with Hawaii Palm Plants Also known as Brighamia Insignis plants These pretty palms have delicate yellow flowers The succulent trunk holds moisture for easy maintenance ...
Hawaii Palm Plant – 1 or 2 from Go Groopie - https://t.co/lnyQvmSYqP - Get a luau look in your home with Hawaii Palm Plants Also known as Brighamia Insignis plants These pretty palms have delicate yellow flowers The succulent trunk holds moisture for easy maintenance ...