Brunsvigia marginata季節タイプ | 冬型 |
日あたり | ー |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Brunsvigia marginata. http://t.co/FzltKNqc5K
Brunsvigia marginata: Perhaps most glorious flower bulb on the face of the earth, is covered in gold dust http://t.co/InbmVK6T @ucgarden
Here is @xerantheum enjoying the fabulous and truly superlative Brunsvigia marginata @ucgarden https://t.co/G5e98G0og7 #Amaryllidaceae #bulb
@jacobuluwehi Brunsvigia marginata seedlings have finer roots than those of B. bosmaniæ http://t.co/JVLKRTNA8G