Caralluma europaea季節タイプ | ー |
日あたり | 日なた 日陰 |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Here is a bank of words I stole from nature - namely the arid and desert zones in the Glasgow Botanics: caralluma europaea kleinia anteuphorbium fasteria acinacifolia aloe dichotoma kalanchoe beharensis tillandsia echinopsis candicans cleistocactus straussii espostoa selmiana
小さいがきれいなガガイモが開花 Caralluma europaea https://t.co/z1nyTAnvWT
Toxicological evaluation of the aqueous extract of Caralluma europaea and its immunomodulatory and inflammatory activities Issiki Z, Moundir C, Marnissi F, Seddik N, Benjelloun N, Zaid Y, Oudghiri M - Phcog Res phcogres.com/article.asp?is…
CanCamのリングライトは小さな花の撮影にもいい感じ。 Huernia keniensis Caralluma europaea https://t.co/ih5Q0SJVDK