Carpobrotus edulis para unos, uña de gato para otros, para los que saben papafriti✌
Hallo @pasiora Wisst ihr zufällig wo ich eine Carpobrotus edulis herbekommen kann? Ableger oder Samen würden auch reichen. Danke und Grüße aus Berlin.
@naseegah_ @HayThereRichard Sour figs (Carpobrotus edulis) have edible fruits, that is also used to make jams, popular in Cape Town, next to beaches often.
#instatweet #enpartage Carpobrotus edulis (L.) Aizoaceae Ficoïde comestible
@MathewsMpete @AbigailKaindu But I think you are referring to 'Carpobrotus edulis' or common name Sour fig, Cape fig, Hottentots fig, which contrary, attract snakes. But it is said to have antiseptic properties, including to treat ear infections and ear aches when we were growing up.
#IcePlant . Several genera are cultivated. Lithops, or "living stones", are popular as novelty house plants because of their stone-like appearance. Some species are edible, including: Carpobrotus edulis (Hottentot…
Uña de gato(Carpobrotus edulis). Créditos: @AMGVA
@HonourableHloni Carpobrotus edulis is a ground-creeping plant with succulent leaves in the genus Carpobrotus, native to South Africa. It is also known in South Africa as the sour fig.
@HonourableHloni Carpobrotus edulis, also known as igcukuma in the Xhosa language, is a medicinal plant used by the traditional healers in cases of common infections in HIV/AIDS patients.
@Alamidoresol00 @McLedice Griffe de sorcière (Carpobrotus edulis), figue marine ou ficoïde comestible... Bon appétit
ΥΠΑΙΘΡΙΑ ΦΘΗΝΑ ΦΥΤΑ: Carpobrotus edulis Aloe maculata Aloe barbadensis... παχύφυτα, κάκτοι από μισό ευρώ, Ακαδημία Πλάτωνος, Αθήνα, τηλ.: 6993210321 (9.00π.μ.-17.00μ.μ.)
Cosa c'è di meglio dell'acqua per rimanere idratati in estate? L'Acqua Cellulare di Carpobrotus Edulis Bio della linea Hydra Végétal aiuta ad immagazzinare l'acqua in tutti gli strati della pelle e a bloccarne…
Bisogno di un'idratazione che non lasci unta la pelle? Prova il nostro nuovo Siero Liquido Ultra-Idratante Hydra Végétal! L'Acqua Cellulare di Carpobrotus Edulis Bio concentrata in micro-gocce idraterà a lungo la tua…
@aceytuno Carpobrotus edulis, una de león, de gato... Oportuna aclaración, porque es una especie invasora, que se adueña del subsuelo, y como cantos de sirenas a Ulises, no debemos dejarnos atrapar por sus flores Retamas, Limonium, higueras, chumberas...lo nuestro
Immergi il viso nell'Acqua Cellulare di Carpobrotus Edulis Bio della linea Hydra Végétal. Questo estratto, selezionato dai ricercatori della Cosmétique Végétale®, aiuta ad immagazzinare l'acqua in tutti gli strati…
Carpobrotus edulis (Hottentot Fig) slowly taking over these steps in @JenKellandFagan with edible leaves and fruits .... such a vibrant green . . . #plant #plantgeeks #greekislands #plantsofgreece #plantlove…
New to the Herbarium: Acacia karroo, Alepidea amatymbica, Aloe ferox, Aloe marlothii, Artemisia afra, Bulbine frutescens, Carpobrotus edulis, Elephantorrhiza elephantina, Gunnera perpensa, Helichrysum nudifolium... (1 of 2) #ethnobotany #medicinalplants
Check out BUY 3 GET 2 FREE Carpobrotus edulis 20 Pcs Seeds for Home Garden Collection #handmade via @eBay
انتشرت صورة لنبتة يقال اسمها اصبع زينب وقدوردنا الكثير من الاساله حولها عبر حساباتنا بمواقع التواصل ونرى انها نبات عصاري حي علمCarpobrotus edulis والنبات من مغطيات التربة ولم نجد لعصارته استخدامات طبية لذلك نحذر من استعمالها دون الرجوع للمختصين من الاطباء والباحثين في علم النبات
“Carpobrotus edulis” #sardegna #sardinia #flowers #fiori #nature #carpobrotusedulis #yellow #travel #sangiovannidisinis #igers #focusardegna #igerssardegna #igaddict #igersoristano…