Le magnifique " Ceiba insignis " en face de la plage des Sablettes à Menton est en fleurs ( par un ami ) https://t.co/maTa3iSUcB
@grahammoorby Did the one on the left have showy pink flowers or 'candy floss' in the branches? It looks like the trunk of the silk floss tree Ceiba insignis that we saw in Lisbon a few years back.
Ceiba Insignis, Art Is the Process of Interpretation, Digital, Documentary, November 26, 2020, [TLVIV New Dogma Documentary Collection]. TLVIV Art Blog, (C) 2020 https://t.co/kRPmUHrbhn
#ArbreDuJour Le bâton ivre blanc (Ceiba insignis) est un arbre tropical originaire d'Amérique du sud, de la même famille que le kapokier. Comme lui il peut avoir le tronc couvert d'épines, mais se distingue par sa forme de bouteille. https://t.co/1M1EFlmFOL
"Ceiba Insignis" by @iribarneber. https://t.co/Ncef32RuQ4
白花美人樹 #Ceiba #insignis https://t.co/NzKrwx7ml7
Mystery solved it's the spiky bottle tree Ceiba insignis @ Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria https://t.co/HLaGpAXZU6
Ceiba insignis. White floss silk tree. アケボノキワタ(曙木綿) https://t.co/oq5dsCbBPE
Beautiful #paloborracho #Ceiba insignis blooms in @TheHuntington Desert Garden. https://t.co/LvthV1xCxE
At http://t.co/sC40UfMf0N -- Plants have a purpose. Ceiba insignis. Interesting facts: "The fiber that covers the… http://t.co/BQ0mNZe7JH
F A D E D . Ceiba insignis flower #ceibainsignis #silkflosstree #bombaceae #fadedgrandeur @ Harare,… http://t.co/HNhVVdqu27
S I L K . floss tree flower - Ceiba insignis formerly Chorisia insignis I#ceibainsignis… http://t.co/C4LdIeiN51