Cereus peruvianus flower & new haircut ♂️ but before I can catch up on Twitter I have to garden because it’s cool but the ☀️ is out & will heat it up to 30°c/86°F, likely hotter. https://t.co/YgTBBjh71i
Cereus peruvianus (Peruvian Torch), 4 wks. https://t.co/GophLbb5yb
@2xfo @_Boba_Fettish Check this out. It was a Cereus peruvianus. They’re always so majestic when they bloom. https://t.co/bmWfPqElFy
Cereus peruvianus montrose (Kaya Kaktüsü) #cacto #kaktus #flowers https://t.co/cGNDck16t3
Greetings fr #Pasadena. Splitting skin on #CactusApple is usually a sign of ripeness. This one fr a #CereusPeruvianusMonstrose is very late so I really wanted to test it for sweetness. And it wasn't bad at all, though less sweet than from regular cereus peruvianus in Summer https://t.co/k4ZFAjsMaW
@northerngarden4 You never know if you grow it in a pot though I find the "non-monstrose" cereus peruvianus faster growing and fruits more easily. But I don't know how easily it would bloom & fruit w only Summers outdoors.
@ruddygardens The fruit is from the Cereus Peruvianus and is definitely edible. Similar to dragon fruit w little crunchy seeds and flesh a bit similar to watermelon. A bit less sweet. Easy to peel too. No pricks!
I thought it was "the cereus moonlight" shame it wasn't Information On Night Blooming Cereus Peruvianus https://t.co/YArc25v4oe
@BobStewart723 @MartiBlom Cereus peruvianus was an early erroneous trade name used in Peru for Trichocereus pachanoi. Trichocereus peruvianus is another cactus species that sometimes contains mescaline.
Lo mas lindo del dia de hoy CACTUS MONSTRUOSO: Cereus peruvianus var. monstruosus Si, soy el que se compra cactus porque ---> muy dificil se le mueran. https://t.co/nmKhT0qLex
@koincidents I lied lmfaooooooo and got it mixed up with yours cereus peruvianus
@gemavg28 @josepuntoant Si los tíos no me quiere habrá que pillarse cereus peruvianus
A garden of large succulents is a colorful and creative solution for privacy. Shown are 1. Euphorbia 'Sticks on Fire' 2. Cereus peruvianus, 3. Agave tequiliana, 4. Cotyledon oblonga ‘Flavida’, 5. Euphorbia pseudocactus, and 6. Yucca gloriosa. #landscaping #succulents https://t.co/bIdGzzlINN
Yesterday I made a thread using these pictures with a different name and info, and that was my mistake. I had it confused with Cereus Peruvianus Monstrose (Peruvian Apple). The difference between the two is more apparent as they age, as the Peruvian Apple gets MUCH bigger!
This Cereus peruvianus forgot to finish closing by the time I got to work! The blooms are half closed and still 5" across! @PatGumaer #WhatILearnedToday #PatHeads https://t.co/B5PVETVLdW
サボテンの植え替えをしました。 寄せ植え Cereus peruvianus Cumulopuntia rossiana Monvillea spegazzinii 単独植え Escobaria laredoi Thelocactus macdowellii コピアポアのグループから。 コピアポアより日差しが必要らしいので #サボテン #melon_cactus https://t.co/V8TN0DwYW1
This will be the first time this cactus has bloomed for me. I'm excited!! #Cereus #peruvianus #monstrose #cacti #Cactus #blooms #Flowers #plants https://t.co/vd033CqWlV
Here’s our Cereus peruvianus monstrose blooming on a full moon! #cactusflower #cereus #cereusperuvianus #cacti #cactus #cactuszach #cactusflower #flower #timelapse #timelapsevideo #applecactus https://t.co/ycfcdR5qsc
My Cereus peruvianus is flowering, these huge flowers only open after dark and are gone by morning. Luckily I’ve got 4 buds this year. #cereus #cacti https://t.co/9vDKM5TXjS
Sugerencia...! Sugerencia...! El del ordenador (Cereus Peruvianus), las 24 horas del día produce OXIGENO y IONES NEGATIVOS que son contrarios a... @realDonaldTrump @VP @IvankaTrump @M_OlgaSCordero @emoctezumab @jaimemaussan1 @LuisBNava @PanchDominguez