@Traidcraft @autisticgardner Quite fancy one of these though: string of hearts (Ceropegia linearis) https://t.co/V5J1VmLDWc
@snowclipsed i guess its ceropegia linearis
@koontyme No it’s ceropegia linearis :) I have hoya obovata, carnosa, and compacta https://t.co/DqnW43SRm2
Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii (House Plant) https://t.co/oA3BR6A3HA
Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii (House Plant) https://t.co/rKRYeYmbZ0
today’s “flower in Rey’s office” is a cross between Ceropegia woodii and Ceropegia linearis, i’ve seen it called String of Daggers, and it has the same joined at the top hairy deal going on as String of Hearts :) https://t.co/gsebrkSCv0
Ceropegia Linearis subsp. Woodii (String of hearts) #plantgay #plantdad https://t.co/ugBeDhOl0N
My Ceropegia sandersonii is flowering like mad!! Even just walking by it and you get a strong whiff of lime/Dettol from the flowers; which apparently smells like a bee in distress My Ceropegia linearis subsp. Woodii is also coming into bloom, but it's a lot less ornamental https://t.co/SIsdLNidxh
シャワー浴びてスッキリ。 セロペギアの大きいやつは、全ての鉢を可愛がってくれる人に託しまして、リネアリスしかうちにいなくなりました、セロペギア。 8号くらいの鉢にはいってたので圧迫してましたの、おほほ だからといって場所が空いたわけじゃないから、なんでやねん!って思ってる https://t.co/82hIqRkgxf
Ceropegia linearis, Ceropegia woodii 'silver glory' and variegata (which turns a wonderful pinky cream colour). #etsyshop #etsy #houseplants #EtsySeller #houseplant #stringofhearts https://t.co/VASwiDvv40
The deliciously bonkers flower of Ceropegia linearis subsp woodii. Or String of Hearts if you prefer. #succulents https://t.co/w35qarohrP https://t.co/vwfxeuXZ3U
A flower on the Ceropegia linearis plant hanging in front of my window. It's like the string-of-hearts but without the hearts. #FoliageFriday #SucculentSaturday #succulents #houseplants #Ceropegia https://t.co/zKG9rByV6q
I had wanted a Ceropegia linearis for a while and I finally spotted one for sale last week. It's like a string of hearts without the hearts. I am just not the romantic type. #succulents #houseplants #GardenersWorld #SucculentSaturday https://t.co/WcDYegXmeC
Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii and its variegated chum. #succulents #houseplants https://t.co/OAc1fWMwmB https://t.co/sDeTIkDlkW
No, ma'am, we don't have any "Ceropelia woddi", but I can yet you some fine Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii. Sigh.
#greensnap に投稿しました。 greensnap.jp/post/956964?re… #バルコニー/ベランダ #ホヤ・リネアリス #ガガイモ科 #つぼみ好き #Hoya linearis #ホヤ #ホヤ リネアリス #白い花 #星型のお花
my long string of hearts (Ceropegia linearis woodii) • • • #stringofhearts #plantsofinstagram… https://t.co/0UOUQjcmRk
Ceropegija (Ceropegia linearis): Ceropegija (Ceropegia linearis) Porijeklom je iz južne Afrike, iz Zimbabvea... https://t.co/lBDgziJ7pk
Post: Ceropegija (Ceropegia linearis) 16/10/2011 23:35:36 http://t.co/M5a9Hddk
よく偽物が出回っている、セロペギア リネアリス。左本物 右偽物 http://t.co/TQLD3pWoxF