Coryphantha scheeri季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Coryphatha scheeri. #coryphatha #coryphanthascheeri #coryphantharobustispina #coldhardycactus #newmexiconativeplants #rarecactus #endangeredspecies
This is Coryphantha robustispina aka #pimapineapplecactus grown from seed I collected near the Pima and Santa Cruz county line, Arizona. #coryphantha #coryphanthascheeri #coryphantharobustispina #cactiarecool #cactusmania #cactusaddict #kaktus #lifesuccs
Coryphantha robustispina budding up for the first time! I collected seed from Amado, Arizona a while back, and it seems to have gotten around. #pimapineapplecactus #coryphantha #coryphantharobustispina #coryphanthascheeri #grownfromseed #cactusflower #cactusmania #cactusgarden #cactusmagazine #cactusworld # #cacti #kaktus
Finally got a flower today on this Coryphantha robustispina (aka Coryphantha sheeri var. robustispina, Pima pineapple cactus, stout needle mulee). It opened the same day as my Coryphantha scheeri from #bandbcactusfarm, which is probably C. scheeri var. valida. #coryphantha #coryphantharobustispina #coryphanthascheeri #thetwocorys #grownfromseed #cactusflower #cactusmania #cactusgarden #cactusmagazine #cactusworld # #cacti #kaktus