Cyclamen coum季節タイプ | ー |
日あたり | ー |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Cyclamen coum f. albissimum 'Lake Effect' 花を拝める日が楽しみです。ゴランハイツがほんのり黄色っぽいのに対してレイクエフェクトはピンクっぽかった昨シーズンの記憶。 https://t.co/qItSc452sd
@DrAmirKhanGP Plant some cyclamen coum. You won't be disappointed!
Visiting my parents’ acreage in Battle Ground, Washington where I grew up. Happy to see the clump of Cyclamen coum which started as one tuber I planted about 15 years ago continues to slowly expand. https://t.co/89lPVtg6VF
I can’t get a big display between Dec and March, but I find evergreens, coloured bark, cyclamen coum and the early hellebores in volume do offer some consolation in the dark months before the fireworks start. https://t.co/Vou19aayA7