原シク蒔いたよ〜( ∩՞ټ՞∩) ✨✨ Cyclamen cyprium 'Galaxy' ちょうどいいサイズの鉢があってよかった!✨✨ 発芽楽しみにしてるぜ…( ◜◡‾)✨ https://t.co/btMHXmBJHp
Cyclamen mirabile 'Tilebarn Anne', Cyclamen cyprium 'Galaxy', Cyclamen hederifolium x graecum. #cyclamen #alpine #horticulture https://t.co/551DcZvHSt
#Cyclamen cyprium this morning, the flowers have the most magical scent. One for the alpine house because it is a tender species. https://t.co/abKHibb54Y
Kyproksensyklaami (Cyclamen cyprium Ky.) - Kuva: Iris unguicularis Peloponnese Snow, Cyclamen pseudibericum and Helleborus lividus (CC BY-SA peganum) https://t.co/4Q4Zk1Gwc2 https://t.co/4kRQUk7izE
Kyproksensyklaami (Cyclamen cyprium Ky.) - Kuva: Cyclamen persicum (CC BY-NC-SA chooyutshing) https://t.co/cSnrsmdvXq https://t.co/8k9va2lTxl
Cyclamen cyprium is native in the mountains of #Cyprus. Cyclamen persicum +graecum can also b found but not endemic. https://t.co/iNXBXLX6Qd
ONLY IN CYPRUS: Cyclamen Cyprium Read about the national plant of Cyprus: http://t.co/T4pUyuoIPe