Dendrobium lichenastrum季節タイプ | ー |
日あたり | ー |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Dendrobium lichenastrum 猫の肉球のようなバルブ。 オーストラリアのクイーンズランド州北部に分布する極小型の着生ラン。 爪が生えてきそうです。 https://t.co/L492D4dEzf
dendrobium.lichenastrum var.lichenastrum AU species. https://t.co/8XdOQMq4ku
#Tetragonula_carbonaria (previously known as Trigona carbonaria) is a stingless bee endemic to Australia. Their common name is Sugarbag bee. The bee is known to pollinate the orchids Dendrobium lichenastrum, D. toressae, and D. speciosum. https://t.co/uGI7C14MWu
Dendrochilum quadrilobium with sprays of minute crystal white flowers and a light scent of roses and honeysuckle. On the other hand is Dendrobium lichenastrum v. prentincei with single intricately striped flowers and a nice ol' orange landing pad for pollinators. https://t.co/40xWpDxm1F