@_papatya_m_ Dracaena cinsinin 120 üyesi var; ama ejderha kanı ağacı deyince, özellikle iki türden bahsediyoruz. Biri Yemen'in sembolü olan, Sokotra Adası'nın endemik türü Dracaena Cinnabari; diğeri ise Kanarya Adaları'na özgü Dracaena Draco. Branş Coğrafya olunca
@aracnicidio Es literalmente un dracaena draco
@Westpac14 @BushcraftBearLP @YouTube I think is a one big ass Dracaena Draco or known as Canarian Drago. Can’t tell without seen the top of it but I would bet it is one.
@hugodanielsf @MiHeroeSinCapa Es un Drago ó Árbol de Sangre de Dragón (Dracaena draco)
うちのドラセナ、竹ちゃん達の中の一部♡ 今、ドラセナ ソングオブジャマイカ、ワーネッキー、リフレクサ、ゴールドコースト、ドラコ、マッサンゲアナを探してるとこ オリエンタルリリーとカサブランカは一輪挿しにいるので、この前の豪華な百合の方の写真でw 家でかける音楽はクラシック✨ https://t.co/XmwW5ZYw8D
@InjangNation Dracaena Draco tahan lasak ni tak pening nak jaga. Tapi harga keras sikit. Lagi banyak cabang lagi mahai. https://t.co/nbjPDa8ybJ
ドラセナ ドラコ(リュウケツジュ) 5号【観葉植物】【インテリア】【乾燥に強い】【カッコイイ】【育てやすい】「竜血の採れる木」と呼ばれる観葉植物ドラセナドラコは最大15 mにもなる高木です。 成長の浅いときは単木ですが、… https://t.co/c35RAti0S3
❌ Fotodakı ağacın kəsiləndə qanadığı iddiası yanlışdır. Fotodakı ağacın ifraz etdiyi və qan olduğu düşünülən madə “dracaena draco” növünə aid ağacın qırmızı qətranıdır. https://t.co/ENrclObqkF
I'm selling Dracaena draco. dragon tree. pokok... for RM14.00. Get it on Shopee now! https://t.co/cwX1l4px7R #ShopeeMY https://t.co/mRzr2OSFBE
Dracaena draco is a monocot with a tree-like growth habit currently placed in the asparagus family. When the bark or leaves are cut they secrete a reddish resin, one of several sources of substances known as dragon's blood https://t.co/s1cyKRJPkr
My beloved "Draco" (Dracaena Gold Dust) is doing very well! I'm still nervous about overwatering; but so far, so good. #HouseplantHour https://t.co/koprjq4VjI
#Dracaena draco https://t.co/p6mAGmyBqf https://t.co/2bQdd5MsCk https://t.co/Rxi3fKhHII https://t.co/jzikudR7yY 'Ad' The author is potentially receiving compensation for traffic generated through the related links. #photography #NaturePhotography #macro #travelphotography https://t.co/Pufm1iHYmh
The succulent Dragon Tree (Dracaena draco) with its striking blue-green, swordlike leaves will slowly grow to an impressive height of around 25 feet. #landscaping #succulents #mondaymorning https://t.co/jUyeApQTfr
this is my dracaena draco aka my dragon tree and they’re also vv big and need a name so pls give them one https://t.co/Oth0uF288U
Drago milenario https://t.co/lG6Jzwtsa9 y dragos (Dracaena draco) del Parque del Drago de Icod de los Vinos. https://t.co/IlwMt7O70V https://t.co/bOnvGe1806
The most stylish sidewalk planting we found comprises mostly monocots: Yucca rostrata & Dracaena draco. https://t.co/pHsMW63AHL
@bunnydelphine So you are now Dracaena Malfoy, sister of Draco Malfoy. ♀️
@chupululuy @koliberki Se parecia a la Dracaena draco https://t.co/Amo9wZudko
@gaya_hirorin 違うかもだけど ドラセナはコンシンネやレモンライムなどの種類は比較的出回ってるみたいだけど ドラコは少ないみたいです 見つかりますように
ワールド名: Pandaemonium キャラクター名: Draco Dracaena URL: https://t.co/9sPepkRwVu 希望アイテム名: クラウドヘア 一言コメント: クッキー作るよ! #FF14 #グルポdeステッカー https://t.co/2BuHTOplVU