#sketchtember2020 lead by @ZellBellArt Day 2 - Echeveria They symbolize endurance. It made sense to put succulent flesh on bone - a reminder to myself to persevere. Couldn't help but to color it. #Sketchtember #dailysketch #succulents #halloween
@echeveria_acnh MY MOUTH FELL OPEN TOO. You’re the LAST person to ever say that word.. you never have so I have no idea what they’re talking about
@echeveria_acnh Verlis will take everything you love and ruin it. He’s been torturing the pokemon community for multiple yesrs and it made me sick to see him come anywhere near the ac community
@echeveria_acnh can firmly say that she never has said that word in her life (childhood friend here)
One of my favorite pots in my garden is this vintage French enamel wall sink. I planted the same way every year… An incredibly blue Echeveria, bonfire begonia and dichondra Silver Falls. To me, it’s the perfect color…
@echeveria_acnh Well the butterfly wall looks good with my ironwood furniture in oak (with the white trim) and the white sofa. I feel like it’d look good with the log furniture in birch but i never tested that out.
@echeveria_acnh Nope! Fruit trees can never spawn furniture or wasps! If there’s furniture in a tree it will fall after the first shake ☺️
@echeveria_acnh Same it’s 5:30 am and I’m still on my phone reading animal crossing tweets lol. Maybe tomorrow or whenever :)
bc everyone was just *dying* to know: Gumby: big pink boi rubber tree Keith: kactus Problem Child: echeveria Corduroy: bear paw Arabella: blue pencil cactus something something Persephone: the most high maintenance lemon lime maranta (prayer plant) i've ever met
#ダルマ静夜 まだまだおチビやけど赤いポッチが可愛い♡ #gardening #succulents #succulent #eheveria #多肉植物 #多肉#エケベリア#flower #ガーデニング#ベランダガーデニング #ベランダ多肉
#サンダーローズ と#黒爪ザラゴーサ ❤️ 不思議な色合いに惹かれてポチってしまったサンダーローズ #多肉#多肉植物#エケベリア#ガーデニング#ベランダ多肉#ベランダガーデン#gardening #eheveria #scclent #scclentlove
₂₀₁₉₋₀₉₋₁₇ ………………………………………………………………………… おはようございます 昨日は @h.little_garden リトルガーデンさんに ソイルデコの中級講師認定証を 受け取りに行ってきました✨ けいこさんとみよこさんと3人で 一年以上通って頑張りました そしてその後は北九州まで足を伸ばしゆくはし植物園と ハンズマンにGO 美味しいランチとセダムを少し それと紙バンドを買って 最終目的の @kokirino コキリノさんに 狩りは自粛と昨日のpostで書いたばかりだったけど @sabotensoudanshitsu サボテン相談室の可愛い多肉を目の前にして 我慢出来る訳はありません(笑) 姿と名前に一目惚れ 羽兼先生作出種の #ファーストドリーム 可愛いでしょ 一つだけ買って帰りました☺ みよこさん運転お疲れ様 けいこさんも送り迎えありがとうございます またよろしくー☺ * * #ファーストドリーム #ファーストドリーム_kota #長崎多肉御殿部#多肉あほやっター#多肉寄せ植え#ばぁば多肉会 #多肉植物 #多肉変態 #多肉バカ同盟 #エケベリア #長崎タニラー#ベランダガーデン #多肉好きと繋がりたい#succlent #succulents #succulove #succulentslove #echever
☁︎☂₂₀₁₉₋₁₀₋₀₁ ………………………………………………………………………… おはようございます 今日から10月✨ いやー毎日があっという間 まだ真夏みたいに暑いし 台風きてるから なかなか秋を実感できない さ、今日こそは玄関周りの片付け やります(*`・ω・)ゞビシッ!! 変な虫出てきませんように #ブラッククイーン ダニか焦げか悩むけど どっちも違うやつね これからもっとブラックになっていくかな * * #ブラッククイーン #ブラッククイーン_kota #長崎多肉御殿部#多肉あほやっター#多肉寄せ植え#ばぁば多肉会 #多肉植物 #多肉変態 #多肉バカ同盟 #エケベリア #長崎タニラー#ベランダガーデン #多肉好きと繋がりたい#succlent #succulents #succulove #succulentslove #echever
Echeveria ‘Haageana’ / ‘Green Goddess’ . . . Hybrid of Echeveria agavoid and Echeveria harmsii . . . Orange bell-shaped flowers in late winter and spring . . . Flowers attract humming birds . . . Needs porous soil with adequate drainage . . . Protect from frost ❄️ . . . Provide bright light ☀️ . . . Water thoroughly when soil is dry . . . Soft, fuzzy green rosettes that cluster quickly . . . Can be easily propagated from leaf but sometimes easier from seeds that you can find inside the flowers when they finish blooming and dry . . . Only repot when soil is completely dry . . . #echeveria #green #greenlife #soft #fuzzy #greengoddessgardens #greengoddess #haageana #agavoides #harmsii #harmsiiecheveria #evheveriaagavoides #small #horticulture #plants #plantlife #greenthumb #greentheplanet #greentheme #420 #420girls #420life
i am never buying a blue elf echeveria again I swear to fucking god its such a BITCH about water like if u give it slightly too much it drops leaves , if U let it dry out it drops leaves WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME
: ・ 毛&毛 ・ #老楽#玉翁#多肉植物#植物#塊根植物#サボテン#エケベリア#ユーフォルビア#コーデックス#ハオルチア#ドルステニア#アロエ#サンスベリア#cactus#succulents#echeveria#euphorbia#caudex#haworthia#dorstenia#aloe#sanseveria
@KadirBulut06 Evet olmaz, az bakım deyince aklıma kaktüsler geldi ama dikenleri çocuklarda sorun oluşturabilir, sukulentler en iyisi, az sulama ile idare ederler her zaman çiçek te olmasalar da güzel çiçekler açarlar,çiçeksizken de çok güzeller, echeveria bunlardan biri
@aurathedivine @betsyteases It’s a very stemmy echeveria! You can achieve this by basically starving it of light for a long time so it grows a long stem, then giving it a LOT of light so it makes a compact bloom at the top.
some other random succies. the first two are for my sister. one is a baby echeveria (succulent) and the other is a jellybean succulent. the baby is an eve's pin from @NatGeoGayBoy