It's #lolathursday and my Lola family is ever growing! We've got two crosses, #echeveriasuae (Lola x Laui) and #echeveriaroseberry (Lola x Raspberry Ice). We've also got #echeverialola and her twin, #echeveriaderenceana
Echeveria 'Roseberry'TwitterやInstagramでの投稿を集めました。育て方や手に入れ方だけでなく、かわいがり方まで……。同じコが好きな人をみつけてフォローしよう!
1~1ポスト / 全1ポスト ローズベリーのすべてのポスト
It's #lolathursday and my Lola family is ever growing! We've got two crosses, #echeveriasuae (Lola x Laui) and #echeveriaroseberry (Lola x Raspberry Ice). We've also got #echeverialola and her twin, #echeveriaderenceana