Succulents: Echeveria 'Ruffles' by Belle Isle's Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory on PlantsMap #succulents #indoorgardens
Vean el crecimiento de ese hijito en la echeveria Ruffles después de decapitarla Antes | Después
@unhuertoencdmx @ChicoSuculentas Me dijeron que se llama Echeveria Ruffles no sé si es verdad. Haber si me puede ayudar @ChicoSuculentas
My pretty Echeveria Ruffles welcoming yesterday’s sunrise
@rrrichy Or echeveria ruffles
@KendallRaeOnYT @FlowerChecker It's definitely a carunculated echeveria, but because of the ruffles edges, I'm going to take a stab and say some variation of Virginia Lee? Idk where you live but red tones come out more in extremely sunny and warm places, so maybe that's why yours in more muted in green tones?
@Rycet66 It definitely looks like it, this “Echeveria ruffles” I found online looks a lot like it with more vibrant colors - but I’m not sure if they’re the same plant Hoping it’ll be easier to identify when it grows a bit
Echeveria ruffles! #succulents #succulove #succuholic #plants
Loving how big our #succulent #planters are getting!! #succulents #echeveria #ruffles @ Seed to Stem
Dernières minutes - Echeveria Ruffles 7cm: 4,50 EUR (0 Enchères)Date de fin: dimanche ...
How am I supposed to avoid buying an echeveria called "Crinoline Ruffles?"