yay what a day! Just planted some creeping daisies, campanula flowers, sunflowers, marigolds and heck even echeveria seeds. Here's to hoping they sprout and grow well ✨
@tofupiry I've got an echeveria, × pachyveria, aoenium arboreum, two coleuses, bellflower, hosta, dwarf spruce, and black cottowood sprouts
WE HAVE SPROUTS PEOPLE!!!!! I got a bunch of echeveria seeds from walawalastudio on etsy, and it's not been more than ten days yet and I've already got smol wee babbies peeking out of the soil. aahhhh. I'm so happy. T_T ✨✨ https://t.co/VKl0B0dHBi
Echeveria germinated!! And there's a second lemon sprout! Last night as I was trying to fall asleep it occurred to me that I could also try planting pomegranate, which (I stopped trying to fall asleep to Google awhile) apparently grow readily from seed.
Meet Evan the Echeveria. He joins his brothers and sisters in his new home. Bob the Bamboo my first plant son is about hip tall now and Flora got a new home and is sprouting new… https://t.co/LBT11ZFkEM
My succulent #propogation is going so well!! This is my third or fourth time breeding these lil guys. Once these #succulents start to sprout, they will be an #echeveria called The Black Prince, and they are gorgeous!!
Sprout update: IT'S ALLLLIIIIIIVVVVEEEE (I have three other sprouts too and I am very proud of all of them - My echeveria, my flaming katy and my baby jade! This is a burrow's tail.) https://t.co/CuvHhyjgiT
so my big echeveria starting growing a sprout and i wasnt sure if it was just another little echeveria shooting off or a flower but its grown super long and has little flower buds on it!!!! ITS GONNA BLOOM!!!
UPDATE!!! My echeveria (the one in the middle) grew a sprout!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
The echeveria leaf is starting to sprout. https://t.co/JTUAttpwgZ
#1009 Cursed Floral BB - Sprout - Echeveria flower https://t.co/fLFLukEHDu https://t.co/Qt22NT8tII
I'm also hoping to propagate my Lola other and my as-yet-unidentified echeveria so if you want some baby plants hit me up, especially if you've got something to swap. I took the leaves off this afternoon but I wanna make sure they'll sprout first.
My home garden keeps getting bigger & bigger and it’s making my plant-loving heart so happy. *Also, I’d like to note that my Echeveria has started reproducing! The second image shows little Echeveria’s starting to sprout below the mother plant. * https://t.co/ujh6Qcfnzw
my echeveria leaf propagation attempt appears to be unsuccessful. it's been a couple weeks, a root probably should've sprouted by now
Put a succulent on it! #sprouthomechicago #log #succulent #echeveria #succulove @ Sprout Home Chicago https://t.co/bWUNp7EF3u
We're open until 8pm today! #sprouthomechicago #memorialday #succulent #echeveria #succulove @ Sprout… https://t.co/6EPjRMSPEi
Echeveria & our black quartz faceted bowl make a winning combo. #sprouthomechicago #succulent… https://t.co/gZAvKCVwqX
Cut echeveria and fern leaves - sweet & simple wedding decor. ✨ #sprouthomechicago #succulent #fern… https://t.co/H1F4rXgsQZ
Succulent cake #sprouthomechicago #echeveria #succulove @ Sprout Home Chicago https://t.co/VVC2QfamnT
My pretty purple echeveria looks like it's sprouting a baby and I'm so happy haha. #succulents https://t.co/k6Sw9Rjp7t