Echeveria agavoides y haworthia cooperi
アガボイデスは好きなんだよね。エケベリア苦手意識あるけどもw そのうちエケベリア販売してる方にお世話になるかもしれんね。 … っと関係ないハオの写真を載せるw 祝宴錦とかホワイトゴーストって名前のやつやと思う。ハオルチアフイリで買ったけど。株分けしたいんだが時間が取れんくってさ。後回し
@belakangmanusia @tanamfess Bwanyak kak :(( Mostly dr echeveria. Ada E Chihuahuaensis, E hyalina, fantasia carol, blueminima, agaboides ebony, agavoides lipstik, agavoides redtips, agavoides sp, subsesillis, decora dll
Some in-situ photos of Echeveria agavoides specimens that resemble the 'Ebony' variety. Photo credits: watermarked photo - see watermark, other photo - Pedro Nájera Quezada
先週ポチった多肉が無事到着 なんとキャンペーン中とかでサボテンのおまけ付き✨ Cotyledon variegata Crassula Oblicualemn in lime Echeveria Agavoides Echeveria Doris Taylor Submatucana aureiflora(おまけ品) ドリスちゃんは室内かな… #Succulents #Cactus
I want more varieties/cultivars of the Echeveria agavoides species
here's a whole family: Nicole the echeveria agavoides lipstick, Waverly the echeveria pink edge, baby aloe arborescens Valdez and echeveria setosa Calamity Jane
Enfim, quero uma echeveria agavoides.
@JoeBurnsMCR Looks like your classic Echeveria agavoides
Está tan bonita mi Echeveria agavoides, parece una planta de plástico, de esas que compra la mamá del @osenfuse en los chinos para engañar el ojo
Echeveria Agavoides sp Lucu kek gue ❤
Con la partecipazione di: Echeveria Elegans ?, Kalanchoe, Schlumbergera rosa e bianca, giacinto, Echeveria Elegans Mexican Snowball, Echeveria agavoides, Echeveria Pulvinata Frosty, Cotyledon tormentosa, Aloe ?, Sanseveria Tubolare, Astrophytum myriostigma, Gasteria carinata
Mi Echeveria Agavoides tomando sol ☀️☺️ #Suculentas
エケベリア・ウォーターリリーもあるのね。 Echeveria agavoides 'Water lily' は知ってたけど。 (すみません、何か見ました)
おはようございます✨ 今朝も肌寒い~ 仕事の支度しなきゃ 家で一番でかいエケベリア、アガボイデスの何か(笑)子株でこの大きさ 鉢減らしの為の寄せ集めエケベリア丼突っ込んじゃうと何が何だか分からんくなります、私だけ⁉️ とりあえず4️⃣はジャガローズ
Went to Bunnings for some drill bits and new storage containers because @crazycarlygrrl stole/borrowed all my older boxes. I spotted this cute as echeveria agavoides Sirius (and that’s 100% now his name). It’s a…
I decided to grow some succulents. I chose the varieties and bought some little cellgrown plugs, some pots, some special compost and some perlite (the white stuff on the top). Here they are ☺️ My fave so far is the second photo, it’s called Jade Galaxy (Echeveria agavoides).
I thought you’d be able to read the labels in that photo (that’s why I left them in) Clockwise from top left they are: x Pachyveria 'Thunderbird' Echeveria agavoides ‘Jade Galaxy’ Echeveria 'Meteor' Echeveria 'Latte Rose' Sempervivum 'Con Lehane'
PLANTA DEL DÍA Nombre común: Conchita de maguey Nombre científico: Echeveria agavoides Familia: Crassulaceae Origen: México
Yongguk as Echeveria agavoides ‘Romeo’