3. echeveria (the lone succulent with the red tips; i’m not sure of what sub-species it is) 4. sansevieria futura robusta (commonly known as snake plant, a baby i named plokeer lmao)
Echeveria robustaTwitterやInstagramでの投稿を集めました。育て方や手に入れ方だけでなく、かわいがり方まで……。同じコが好きな人をみつけてフォローしよう!
1~1ポスト / 全1ポスト robustaのすべてのポスト
3. echeveria (the lone succulent with the red tips; i’m not sure of what sub-species it is) 4. sansevieria futura robusta (commonly known as snake plant, a baby i named plokeer lmao)