@marijuanacomau @breeder_steve @JamesDeane_ca @TexadaTimewarp7 My friend has a massive collection of Echinopsis pachanoi and assorted other mescaline containing cacti. Peyote the lot. They thrive in Australia. Huge cactus community here. Or so I heard
Echinopsis pachanoi AKA San Pedro cactus https://t.co/apEDe6tCF6
Top with the pinky fruit: Hylocereus Left one: Echinopsis pachanoi Middle: Opuntia Right: Echinocactus grusonii Top right: Epiphyllum
pa kantot ka nlng ng fucking echinopsis pachanoi sa pwet puta ka eapp
@karinaasecas @BubbIa__ Tengo Graptoveria Debbie...tmb tengo Kalanchoe Houghtonii, Echinopsis pachanoi, AutrocylindropuntiaSubulata, Aloe Juvenna, Cylindropuntia Brasilensis, Opuntia Fulgida Monstruosa, Ferocactus Glaucens, Senecio inaequidens, Opuntia Microdasys, Mammilaria elongata, Lobivia silvestri
@MattyHootyNZ @JacindaArdern_0 @_TanyaRobinson_ @Cosmos43785508 @dan_bidois @jacindaardern @NZNationalParty @democracymum @Coltheman1 I get mine from Echinopsis pachanoi. What do you think of this time line https://t.co/cLa5V4DFpA
Been doing some yard work. This is San Pedro / Echinopsis pachanoi https://t.co/CJor10imN8
@caserotre 1)Aloe vera 2)Organo-Pachycereus marginatus 3)Amarilis-Hippeastrum puniceum 4)Cactus-Echinopsis pachanoi 5)Grama-Cynodon dactylon 6)Perro-Canis lupus 7)Hormiga-Formicidae 8)Arbusto-Aesculus parviflora 9)Cuervo-Corvus corax 10)Abeja-Anthophila 11)Colibrí-Trochilidae https://t.co/HcnRddsy8z
Uma das melhores do ano. Esse cactus é um echinopsis pachanoi, ou cactus de São Pedro. É uma das espécies nativas dos Andes, presente em regiões que variam entre 2000-3000m de altitude. Achei esse aqui quando estava em Urubamba, no Peru. Curiosidade: tem mescalina. https://t.co/4bV4Mig5Hn
Trio de petites plantes à crocheter... #petitesPlantesaCrocheter #emmaVarnam #crochetedPlant #instacrochet # #crocheting #homeSweethome #instadeco #lainesplassard #echeveria #phildar #philcoton3 #actionfrance #echinopsisPachanoi #cereusRepandus # #cactus #plantesvertes
Our creatively-named San Pedro cactus, Pedro, wears many hats. . . . . . #sanpedrocactus #houseplants #trichocereuspachanoi #echinopsispachanoi
San Pedro is a guardian for the Andean & coastal peoples in Peru, often planted at the front doors or gates of houses. lt's said that when thieves come to the house, the cactus whistles and scares them away. The plants also absorb or repel the negative energy of anyone who enters the home. In the small mountain towns of Huarochirí, something different is going on. The sacred cactus isn't at the front doors; rather she grows on rooftops, high walls, and balconies. It's not the energy of the neighbors that he protects against. The myths of Huarochirí center on a menagerie of flying creatures that populate the winds, especially at night. Camascas, hechizeros, and other shape-shifters do not come politely through the front door. It's an exposed, vast, fierce place. The people are descended from falcons, the children of an ancient stormy being named Paria Caca. A world of wings. Photo from a May 2019 journey to Huarochirí ⛰️ #huachuma #wachuma #sanpedro #trichocereus #echinopsisperuviana #echinopsispachanoi #trichocereuspachanoi #pachanoi #huarochiri
5月にSetiechinopsis mirabilisを蒔いて発芽せず。 そこにTurbinicarpusの種らしきものを蒔いて発芽せず。 元気なSan Pedro(Echinopsis pachanoi)... もしかしたらTrichocereus scopulicoulusかも・・・の実生したやつを移植。 その後中央に丸いものが出て暫く経つが、今日見ると更に。誰。 https://t.co/Q12teLzLqD
@cannabis_times @MarijuanaMoment If you're interested in Peyote you can check out San Pedro and the Peruvian Torch Cactus. Both are legal to cultivate, have high levels of mescaline (the go juice in Peyote,) and are fast-growing column cactus. As a bonus San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi) is sold at Lowes. https://t.co/uxuBAAw8rZ
County Road Echinopsis pachanoi https://t.co/lWGfAsY9vM
I’d love to own a Trichocereus pachanoi (Echinopsis pachanoi), but it’s so expensive. https://t.co/MBnhad7E3K
@spinozacel Echinopsis Pachanoi
Bodhi tree bounced back from a bad scale infestation. Also pictured: lophophora caespitosa, echinopsis pachanoi & echinopsis langeniformis. https://t.co/kJ8Tl2imoy
Echinopsis pachanoi in bloom at 2:20 AM. #cactus #flowerphotography https://t.co/bldQ7YwjMG
echinopsis pachanoi, entheogenic use of cannabis, aging brain, designer drug, performance-enhancing drugs, temporary class drug ...