Epiphyllum hookeri季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた 半日陰 |
耐寒温度 | 8℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Slightly different type of night blooming cactus (Epiphyllum Hookeri) on a different palm tree than the "alien" one I normally post (Nightblooming Cereus). The sweet scent is intoxicating. #FlowerReport #Florida https://t.co/cX0BX0QwLk
I have a bit of an epiphytic cactus obsession. This isn't even my entire collection of jungle cacti, but ten is the limit for pictures here. A couple of these plants are newer, but most have been in my collection for at least a decade. Their blooming season is beginning with the rhipsalis pilocarpa, but one or more of them is usually heading into blooming season at any given time. These guys are easy if you understand their needs, but can be challenging for a once a week waterer. I would give care instructions, but each one is completely different. Feel free to ask if you have specific questions. #epiphyte #epiphyllum #epiphyllumhookeri #nightbloomingcereus #rhipsalis #cactusofinstagram #junglecactus #succulents #rhipsalisewaldiana #rhipsaliscapilliformis #rhipsalispilocarpa #rhipsalispentaptera #hatiorasalicornioides #epiphyllumguatemalensemonstrosa #cryptocereusanthonyanus #ricraccactus #selenicereusgrandiflorus #plantcollection #plantcollector #plantnerd #greenthumb #upstatejungle
The rare, one night only bloom of of the Night Blooming Cereus. This cutting was given to me by a co-worker who has a massive plant (thank you again Brian!) and appears to be of Epiphyllum Hookeri. It is also known… https://t.co/MwSKsIXI6u
@sjyszm And now likely that your lovely flower is #Epiphyllum #hookeri - but would not have hunted the ID down without your sharing - teamwork!