Ficus insipida季節タイプ | ー |
日あたり | ー |
耐寒温度 | 5℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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@DBrozeLiveFree Actually that should be "tinte sobre amate", but that just goes to show that I don't know what I'm doing That would be an "amatl" or, in Latin "Ficus insipida", and another picture of the material
@dr_vervain @antargyanot @CloverVinca The best example I can give is Ficus insipida. But instead of suffocating the hostess, it was also feeding on her. I stopped the growth with the healing of the wound, but I couldn't reverse the effect. Clover will have that part of the wood on his body. And.. It worries me. -4-
@hummerboy101419 el de las pic es un Ficus Benjamina y el Amate es un Ficus Insípida... son primos pues
Un paso hacia atrás para seguir en la formación de mi #amate (Ficus insipida) de salir bien las cosas, este año lo terminara en su maceta definitiva (q aún no tengo ) y podría ser, "mi primer bonsái" dentro de un par de años ✌