Apparently there are “burgundy” and “black knight” variants to ficus robusta however the tag neglected to advise which one the one I bought was -.- and I am finding it hard to determine from photos online as to what precise shade the leaves for my wee plant are
@diegomoal_ Isso, Ficus Robusta!
Hello #planttwitter i need your help!! Is it possible that my ficus robusta is losing leaves because of the fan hitting it? I thought it was only "cold drafts" that are bad but maybe not? My plant is losing leaves but it's growing a new stem on top (bc i cut it) so seems alive
Green fingers Twitter, how do I revive the Dracaena Marginata and the Ficus Robusta plant? Pls, it’s urgent
Los ficus robusta tienen su espacio en nuestra gama de planta de interior, en diferentes formatos. Están súper frondosos, ¿los tienes ya en tu garden? #rachel_and_co_almeria #ficus #ficusrobusta #plantadeinterior #planta #gardenlife #jardin #gardendecoracion #centrodejardineria
@tspofjasmin I've got a Ficus Robusta (rubber plant) which has never given me any trouble! I moved house a in October last year & it's put out 2 new leaves since then, with another one coming out now as well Monstera's are cool too - another one I've had no problems with
@L_Apostata Si fa presto a dire ficus..... Robusta o Benjamin In vaso normale o bonsai? Appartamento luminoso e areato o buio e non areato?
@roadtogypsylove He's a rubber tree (ficus Robusta) He has been on my "want it but I don't have space" list for a long time. As much as I know he's not complicated, but I'll do my research. I'll keep you updated. But yeah just get one you need it trust me
heureuse car j’ai acheté un ficus robusta pour notre appart
Ficus robusta, variedad abdijan. Es una estupenda planta de interior, antiguamente se extraia el caucho de aquí. La savia que contiene es muy irritante para ojos y mucosas, y si se ingiere puede ser mortal.
Unha calathea whitestar no fondo, unha casa e unha pilea. Un ficus robusta na segunda. Uns brotes de árbore de café na terceira xunto con unha de nome impronunciable, unha monstera adansoni e unha caña desas. Un anturium pequeno na última
Gaat best hoor een ficus robusta alias rubberboom meenemen op de fiets #moreplantsplease