1. The Mũgumo tree (Ficus sycomorus), purportedly planted in the exact location the Union Jack, or more likely the former Flag of the Colony of Kenya, was removed and the Flag of Kenya was placed. #UhuruGardens Nixon Korir. https://t.co/3d393zossf
The Sycamore fig (Ficus Sycomorus) - Trees of Joy is native to the middle east and parts of Africa. The name sycomorus came from the Greek Syca-Morus Which means Mulberry < has therapeutic purpose in many countries, and many drugs are derived from plants. https://t.co/XNE02TWAdw
Sycamore https://t.co/4hcUDqL4q9 via Ficus sycomorus, called the sycamore fig or the fig-mulberry sycamore, or sycomore, is a fig species that has been cultivated since ancient times.
Oke deh, don't so seriously... Pohon pohon cauliflory Bunga ato Buahnya tumbuh di Batang. Diantaranya Pohon Sala, (Couroupita guianensis), Pohon Arak ( Ficus sycomorus), Anggur Brezil ato Jabouticaba(Plinia cauliflora), Durian Kekurak (Durio testudinarum), ... https://t.co/PCBUAKwoDl
Sycamore https://t.co/4hcUDqL4q9 via Ficus sycomorus
@ncfnigeria @WildlifeMag @NigeriaParks @IITAForest @dannyugwu @AfolabiGreen @Wils_Atumeyi @eet_foundation @GBulus @msimire Ficus sycomorus (Linn.)
Ficus Sycomorus Trees, Sderot Rothschild, Tel Aviv, 'Art Is the Process of Interpretation', Documentary, August 2020, [TLVIV New Dogma Documentary Collection]. TLVIV Art Blog, (C) 2020 https://t.co/6PTpUgv9yc
@catharshs Bilang kok. Pohon itu Ficus sycomorus (sycomore/sycamore fig). Yg ngiden itu spesies apa gue (pake akun sebelah) wkwkwkwkwkwk
Check out Ficus sycomorus - Sycamore Fig - Fruit Tree Seeds - 20 Seeds https://t.co/kkfRnQKRRu via @eBay
#TreeFacts - The sycamore fig (Ficus sycomorus) provides food for a greater variety of animals than any other tree in Africa. #IconicAfricanTrees https://t.co/MDKRmN1Z3o
الجميز أو الحماط نبات من جنس التين ينتمي للفصيلة التوتية .. الاسم العلمي : Ficus sycomorus . كما يطلق عليه شجر الرقاع الثالق أو الابرا . نبات سريع النمو قد يتجاوز ارتفاع شجرته الى أكثر من 5 أمتار . شجرة دائمة الخضرة متفرعة وذات أوراق كثيفة خضراء غامقة اللون يصل طولها حوالي 10 سم https://t.co/qcT4g39NhN
Ready.. Jacaranda, gravillea, acacia xythonphlea, acacia nubica, hibiscus, yellow passion fruit,acacia brevispica, Ficus Sycomorus,olea Africana seedlings...once Corona is gone, please order them from my INTREPID GREEN ECO-PROJECT TREE NURSERY..@Karimi_Karen @DianaKisinga @UNEP https://t.co/5rviCmCEIW
Ficus Sycomorus seedling..@wambie @DianaKisinga @UNEP @patriciakombo . https://t.co/nwURKths5i
@wambie @DianaKisinga @Karimi_Karen @UNEP @wambie Gravillea sh.50 Bob each, Jacaranda sh.50 each ,olea Africana sh.100 ,ficus Sycomorus sh.100,all Acacias apart from Arabica sh.110 each etc..... might be a bit like expensive for the indigenous species because I have to raise funds to run the project and research too.
Experimenting to see whether the Ficus Sycomorus can grow from cuttings...will share the outcome with you people. https://t.co/3tXxNw1g3F
Today I managed to pot seedlings of the most endangered almost extinct trees..Olea Africana and Ficus Sycomorus...too much work needs constant dedication, patience and ambition..154 seedlings start new Life. https://t.co/UFUBO9tP6V
After a week the outcome is I have succeeded getting to have ficus Sycomorus seedlings through vegetative propagation . Time to pot More....see the small green sprout. https://t.co/yewUoyPgsA
وتسود على المنحدرات الشرقية لجبال الحجاز النباتات العصارية مثل لبن البوم (Euphorbia) والصبار (Aloe) وعلى الجبال التي تقع اقصى المنطقه الجنوبية الغربية تسود في المناطق المرتفعة انواع العرعر (Juniperus procera) والجميز (Ficus sycomorus)