Gynostemma pentaphyllum季節タイプ | ー |
日あたり | ー |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Jiaogulan Supplement - 180 Capsules with Black Pepper Extract - Gynostemma Pentaphyllum AMPK Activator, Caffeine-Free Adaptog [A6XERYT]
I'm getting to really like jiaogulan (immortality herb) tea! Gynostemma pentaphyllum - an attractive (although very vigorous) shade-tolerant climber - hardy to zone 8. Cucumber family but inedible and very small fruit unfortunately. Also dioecious.
Think I'll try a cup of Jiaogulan tea (Gynostemma pentaphyllum). Perhaps it will perk me up a bit. No point having immortality herb growing in the garden and not taking advantage of it!
Już mówię- Jiaogulan (łac. Gynostemma Pentaphyllum) "zioło życia" / "ziele długowieczności". W murach wspólnie dajemy sobie radę. Ta nieśmiertelność niepokoi ... ♾️