My hoya collection! 8 types: krimson queen, kentiana, pubicalyx, compacta, khroniana, krimson princess, variegated wayetti and variegated compacta! I love them ❤️
My Hoya Kentiana Variegata is growing so beautifully
نبات هويا يمين Hoya Pubicalyx لون ازهارها انت وحظك وردي فاتح اوغامق، احيانا غامق بزيادة قريب البني او اسود نفس الصورة. يسار Hoya Kentiana في الموية ؟!؟ بداية عقد الازهار نبتة هويا بيلا. انا لا اسمد نباتاتي ابدااا، ماعدا نبات الوكاسيا والمزهر بدون إنتظام
When I posted a picture of this Hoya for #HouseplantHour I said I thought the pot had 3 plants in it, but no, it had 7. I still don't know if it's a variegated wayetii or kentiana but now I have 7 of them. #FoliageFriday #houseplants #hoya
@Thea_G_Sinclair @ suspicious peas! So there are three varieties with this elongated leaf, one is called the Shepherdii aka the String Bean plant lol. The other is the Hoya Kentiana, and all these plants have these “longifolia” leaves and are nearly impossible to tell apart.
My very own #plantshelfie ^_^ From top left, #hoyapolyneura #hoyakrimsonqueen #asparagusfern #hoyakentiana #hoyalinearis Next shelf, #philodendronbrasil #sansevieriamoonshine #begoniaescargot And third shelf, #blackpagodalipstickplant #tradescantiatricolor #hoyalacunosa #monsteraadansonii #hoyachengmai
Adenium “Wealthy” and Hoya Kentiana In shell pot $60-
Hoya kentiana
Las increíbles flores de mi #hoyakentiana #iloveplants #hoya #kentiana @ Colonia Americana.
Hoya kentiana variegata from @HollandParkGG in Burlington
Picked up a Hoya kentiana variegata @HollandParkGG this afternoon. Very happy to find this rare Hoya in Canada.
Hoya Kentiana. Before I said this is H.kenejiana. I apologize for the mistake.