my #hoya lacunosa has grown a second peduncle -- the first one buds often but i never can get it to bloom. any help, #planttwitter? #houseplants
@Wandering324 I saw aphids in one of my Hoya lacunosa
i got a hoya lacunosa and variegated wayetii and the cutest little hanging pot
You guys my Hoya Lacunosa bloomed #planttwitter
@jackdaw_writes La seconda è una hoya carnosa krimson Queen, tra le più comuni nei vivai! La terza è una hoya sunrise (un ibrido tra hoya lacunosa e hoya obscura) più difficile da trovare! Anche lo hoya obscura di per sé può diventare rossa, ma di solito meno rispetto alla sunrise
My Hoya Lacunosa is blooming for me
@mikeconexo It’s supposed to be a Hoya Rebecca... but the flower looks like a lacunosa to me... I’m looking into the matter
Trying out a new growing medium. Two different plants with completely different needs but the exact type of care This is only 24 hours later but so far so good. The one on the left is a lacunosa Snowcap hoya and the one on the right is a fittonia nerve plant #plants #hoya
@c4meel Hoya lacunosa
@sasongkoo__ Hoya lacunosa ;3 yg baru dateng kemaren
Bener hoya lacunosa. Hixx. Aku ngga tau metannya apa tp kok keliatannya pada pake lumut padahal aku nggak suka karena nggak sustainable (ngambil di alam, jual) tp gmn
My very own #plantshelfie ^_^ From top left, #hoyapolyneura #hoyakrimsonqueen #asparagusfern #hoyakentiana #hoyalinearis Next shelf, #philodendronbrasil #sansevieriamoonshine #begoniaescargot And third shelf, #blackpagodalipstickplant #tradescantiatricolor #hoyalacunosa #monsteraadansonii #hoyachengmai
4 months left to complete this adventure in 2019. So many places and story also. I will share bonuses from my trips firstly, and saving the best for the last. Pleas enjoy guys In frame: Hoya lacunosa, one of most…
i reallyyyyy want my hoya lacunosa to bloom but apparently they don’t bloom til they’re like 3 years old.... Blease
Have you heard of Hoya Lacunosa, aka the Porcelain Flower? It's antioxidant and moisturizing properties are in the Caresse Cleansing Milk
Connaissez-vous la fleur de porcelaine(Hoya Lacunosa)? Ses vertus antioxydantes et hydratantes se retrouvent dans le Lait Nettoyant Caresse
Hoya lacunosa will soon flower... :-)
10 - 12 Inches Rooted Plantof Hoya Lacunosa Eskimo Ebay Bid Last Second ↺RT, Favorite, Share
Раз хойка очухалась, заказала ей пару - hoya lacunosa. Мне бы еще какую выпендрежную пеларгонию, но все цветоместа заняты.
Hoya lacunosa 'Snow Caps'. I love everything about it. Variegated leaves,fragrant flowers,compact plant.