Hoya linearis. https://t.co/nHK3G2EyWD
I’m so Sad my Hoya linearis cuttings died ;( https://t.co/Lsm3zr4IHS
@Souvie idk what I’d do if I had to move my silver sword or Hoya linearis I used to have 50+ plants w a similar setup and I am so sorry you lost some precious babes in the move
Expanding my target audience with a plant giveaway Giving away cuttings of my Hoya linearis, Philodendron Burle Marx fantasy, Hoya curtisii, Scindapsus pictus, and Monstera siltepecana (NA only) Just rt+follow to enter (and if you like thighs and/or plants ) Ends 4/29 https://t.co/eQTkdp1DWs
My favorite plant. A Hoya linearis. https://t.co/chfnVNRrKA
God bring me this hoya linearis and I might just start worshipping you
every time i get frustrated with my plants, they do something new and exciting to suprise me. like my hoya linearis flowering for the first time argh! https://t.co/XRAvxou5Pg
Hoya Linearis in full Bloom #hoya #hoyalinearis #waxplant https://t.co/qos3O62UF5
@thetraintales The only Hoya I have though are Pubicalyx, Lisa, Memoria, Princess, and Linearis
Hoya Linearis for the TL just because I think he’s cute https://t.co/L9eag6YlQc
@clarissascortex Amen. My variegated monstera and Hoya linearis need repotting. Does anyone care? DONT THEY CARE. savages.
My Hoya Linearis ✨ Origin: Himalayan Mountains Tip: Likes consistently moist soil. But appreciates a quick dry out period. Likes cool temps, humid conditions, & bright shade. (It looks its best during the rainy season!) - despises heat ❌ https://t.co/Z84FsgUmT7
Hoya Linearis. https://t.co/IWdotr3ahb
@sablespiders Oh i like that, it's like a beefy version of Creeping Wire Vine which i have a small one on my balcony I also liked hoya linearis it reminds me of grass or pine needles
Absolutely dying for a Monstera Albo if ANYONE can spare a cutting pls help a broke gal out I have cool plants available in exchange like Monstera monkey leaf, Lepismium bolivianum, Hoya linearis etc
I need one or two hoya linearis
The cascading stems of Hoya linearis (wax flower, porcelain flower) was thriving in this warm, humid glasshouse. The plant is native to the Himalayas and needs to maintain temperatures above 10C in… https://t.co/O0TDhleKiU
ホヤ リネアリス(右2個) 星型の白いお花が咲きます エアプランツ アエラントス (真ん中吊り) リプサリス (下2個) #花 #リプサリス #ピロカルパ #バーチェリー #アエラントス #ホヤ #リネアリス #イオンモール #泉南 #多肉植物 #サボテン
2019/10/8 ホヤ・リネアリス お花が咲きました 蕾もたくさんついてるので、 開花が楽しみ❤️です #ホヤ #ホヤリネアリス #リネアリス #サクララン #ホヤの花 #hoya #hoyaplants #hoyaplant #hoyaflowers #hoyaflower #hoyalinearis #linearis #hoyalove
#hoyajennifer Resim görsel amaçlıdır. Gönderilecek Hoya yeni üretim kare saksıda 2.4 yaprak arasındadır. #hoyacarnosa #hoyalongifolia #hoyakerrii #hoyacrimsonqueen #hoyamathilde #hoyajennifer #hoyabella #hoyaglobulosa #hoyaaustralis #hoyakerriisplash #hoyatricolor #hoyaacutarbmini #hoya #hoyas #tropikserahoya #hoyalinearis #thehoyacollective #hoyaplant #hoyacompacta #hoyaprendi #hoyapubicalyx #hoyalens #hoyafilter #hoyaplant