My hoya collection! 8 types: krimson queen, kentiana, pubicalyx, compacta, khroniana, krimson princess, variegated wayetti and variegated compacta! I love them ❤️
@janineveazue This is basically my situation, I have three different pothos (green/jade, marble queen, and neon) and a satin pothos (not really a pothos but looks like it) but my non-pothos suggestion would be a hoya pubicalyx!
have you ever seen a sunstresed hoya pubicalyx before i know it's prolly not good to sunstress it but it looks so good
نبات هويا يمين Hoya Pubicalyx لون ازهارها انت وحظك وردي فاتح اوغامق، احيانا غامق بزيادة قريب البني او اسود نفس الصورة. يسار Hoya Kentiana في الموية ؟!؟ بداية عقد الازهار نبتة هويا بيلا. انا لا اسمد نباتاتي ابدااا، ماعدا نبات الوكاسيا والمزهر بدون إنتظام
Hoya pubicalyx
@thetraintales The only Hoya I have though are Pubicalyx, Lisa, Memoria, Princess, and Linearis
i got monstera adansonii wide form, golden pothos, marble queen pothos, hoya krimson princess, hoya pubicalyx, and a bunch of string of dolphins
Lol I think I’ll just give up looking for a Hoya pubicalyx black dragon
Round four! Here we have a Hoya pubicalyx splash, some type of spiderwort, two types of snake plants, and a Crassula tetragona #planttwitter
Plants friends, recommend me my next impulsive hoya purchase! I’m looking for something relatively mainstream - I already have a carnosa, krimson queen, and pubicalyx
@flutterfrond My Hoya! Not the same species, I don’t think (carnosa compacta, crimson queen, and pubicalyx) but I’m keeping my fingers crossed
Traded my string of turtle propagations for a bunch of different really long hoya cuttings (princess, crimson queen, krinkle, australis, and pubicalyx splash) and I hope I can get them to root because that would be rad and I've deff been eyeing a bunch of the ones I got
I cant believe i have a hoya pubicalyx huhuhu wishlist plant checked. Next hoya on my list is Hoya Obavata
When my plants get large, I reduce their real estate by compacting them onto trellises or in cages. This makes them far easier to move and gives them added support on which to grow. That Neon Pothos and Hoya Pubicalyx are both 7 FEET LONG .
My hoya pubicalyx got attacked by mealybug. Had to untangled her before shower and spray neem solution.
After 2 weeks in the prop box with long fiber sphagnum, the Hoya Pubicalyx is actively growing 6 new leaves. I’ve added unrooted cuttings of a Bilobata and Curtisii - I’ve not got much hope for them as yet.
Some of the Hoya collection: Australis Pubicalyx Carnosa C. Compacta Obovata
Hoya pubicalyx (Time-lapse)
sometimes i get plant names stuck in my head and then i go to the nursery and see one and get it. so today i got a hoya pubicalyx
@melbataj Hoya pubicalyx is a fun vine! Mine grow pretty easily despite what are probably subpar conditions. Also a dwarf olive tree is fun if you have a sunny indoor spot. If you live somewhere that never gets below freezing you could leave it outside all year!