@kim_tavarez2 Me either until I was at a market where I live and saw her and HAD to have her! The actual name of these plants are called Ledebouria socialis
A before and after of my Ledebouria socialis (leopard lily) after a month of better growth conditions (more light and water). #HouseplantHour https://t.co/J6d7jbfU4s
@Mylajor é uma ledebouria socialis, conhecida como lebebourea ou escila
Minha Ledebouria socialis https://t.co/DQkWJVTFr7
@rubiaabrar I love Senecio, but they didn't love it here My favorites are Aloe in all variants. Some that are basically not "killable" are - Ledebouria socialis - Ornithogalum caudatum (they get pregnant ) - Sansevieria cylindrica. These 3 are my sturdiest plants.
@homerlandia Pues no, se trata de una ledebouria socialis casi al 100%
@themrsoftware @t4heree ما بهش ميگيم كاكتوس پيازي تو دسته بندي گل ها جزء كاكتوس هاست الان گوگل سرچ كردم اسم علميش را زده لدبوريا Ledebouria socialis از خانواده Asparagaceae و از گل هاي بومي آفريقا جنوبي هست. يكم كه كم آب بشه قسمت پيازي شكلش چروك ميشه مثل بعضي كاكتوس ها نميشه خيلي بي آب نگهش داشت.
I lost the tag to this plant, but I think it's Ledebouria socialis https://t.co/g8p03EOv8b
Recovered after freeze that caught us out last December. Odd little bit growing on damaged leaf. #silversquill #porchplants #weirdplants Ledebouria socialis, the silver squill or wood hyacinth, is a geophytic… https://t.co/OYYEfU9cZc
#succulentriver #aloevera #aloenobilis #aloearistata #aloearborescens #crassulatetragona #senseveriacylindrica #bergeranthusvespertinus #haworthiamutica #haworthiavenosatessellata #seneciorowleyanus #crassulacorymbulosa #euphorbiasuzannae #ledebouriasocialis #crassulaexpansasspfragilis #aeonium #livingart #plant #plants #plantart #vase #succulent #succulents #succulentart #succulentsofinstagram #succulentgarden #succulentarrangement #succulentsarrangement #succulentarrangements #succulentsarrangements
@SanneVroom @SophieVolgt Ledebouria Socialis. Duh.
Got this ledebouria socialis “silver squill” who is much bigger than my other bbs Available for $8 + $5 shipping (add up to 4 plants for no additional shipping cost) DM to claim this boy! https://t.co/KFIoUIPm60
@Lejdulka Mě baví ledebouria socialis. Mnemotechnická pomůcka je labouria socialis. No nic, já zas jdu :D
Ledebouria socialis (Baker) Jessop - Kuva: Ledebouria socialis (Baker) Jessop (CC BY-NC Vilseskogen) https://t.co/WX82OKC5ay https://t.co/FTOf5N00X4
最近多肉屋さんに熊童子錦やハオルチアを貰ったのでお返しに多肉をお裾分けに そしたらまたくれた レデボウリア ソシアリスと緑亀の卵とレッドエッグ他に3種類と帰りにオブツーサも言われたけど流石にやめときましたw 結局物々交換になってしまった そうか❗ 今はキャッスレスの時代か https://t.co/zK4h9xY6qq
Floración de la Escila (Ledebouria socialis) en el jardín de caliche. La escila es una pequeña planta bulbosa de la familia Asparagaceae. #escila #ledebouria… https://t.co/9KmZoBolRJ
@yofukukan レデボウリアのソシアリスかとー (^ω^)
@Centari42 @TreesofForrest Ledebouria socialis ?
@Garden_Collie @Centari42 @TreesofForrest It definitely looks like Ledebouria socialis, but mine has never lost leaves like that, and looking at it, it doesn't really look malnourished, so I can't explain the loss of leaves unless it's something in the soil, or you are using tap water to water it (bad idea)
@bermanswife ledebouria socialis - it’s a succulent native to south africa