Wildflowers on Sturgeon Rock in the Silver Star Scenic Area in Washington this weekend. To the best of my knowledge, they are Penstemon rupicola, Lewisia columbiana, Aquilegia formosa, and Erythronium montanum https://t.co/OUGscPpdNS
@StephenShelle20 Lewisia columbiana Alba
Lewisia columbiana subsp. wallowensis. https://t.co/28cNtRao9c
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! #lewisia #lewisiacolumbiana #flowers #plantlife #nature #naturalbeauty https://t.co/z3XKEPQ62U
Enjoying the natural wonders of SW #WashingtonState. So good to be back home. Lewisia columbiana & praying mantis. https://t.co/vsPidddy5w
#lewisia columbiana #northwestnatives #alpinegarden #springtime http://t.co/MFUkdQwwKI
@HORseTICULTURE Lewisia columbiana?
Lewisia columbiana, Lewisia cotyledon. #gardening #alpines http://t.co/PBP0swTxc1