Meet the newest addition to our plant collection! Our scientists think it is a crested Lophocereus schottii f. monstrosus f. cristata. Pretty cool, huh?
Look up the common name for "Lophocereus schottii monstrosus" You'll appreciate it. =)
Totem Pole Cactus - Lophocereus schottii var. monstrosus - 17" Large plant
調査結果→左上がギムノカリキウム「新天地」、左下がロフォケレウス「福禄寿」、右上がギムノカリキウム「聖王丸(ペンタカンサ)」、右下がアストロフィツム「般若」 だと思う
Photo: cactguy: Lophocereus schottii var. monstrosus / Totem Pole cactus Ottosen Entry Garden, Desert...