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@ruuikamishiro makin lama makin anehhh padahal di tiap patch awal2 update 300 primo nya udah termasuk kompensasi bug fixes kalo ga major yg bikin whalers marah, yakin deh gabakal dikasih bansos yg waw wkwkwk
@tanyakanrl Awalnya mau marah-marah ke temen lu tapi ternyata lu nya lebih, wkwk major gws dah nder.
@f15teen15 Nobody is saying “queen is the reason racism is alive!” We’re saying theyre one of the major factors so stop teying to wash hand. Orang nak marah queen kau terima je la?? Doesnt affect you. Who are YOU to tell people wht to feel about their coloniser?
suka mau marah sama author yang tidak memberi tag major character death alias mcd... gak semua orang kuat bacanya, thor