Opuntia phaeacantha季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
レッドリスト 低危険種
ワシントン条約 低リスク 輸出入制限
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#AK2FL (Mile 4064): Opuntia phaeacantha, the Brown-spined prickly-pear; San Juan county, Utah (09 June 2011). https://t.co/85P1F1KsPp
Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm. (Figuier de Barbarie à fruits violets) https://t.co/avCdoLiTQp https://t.co/BSVN6du3NW
Texas Native Plant Lab / Dallas Arboretum Opuntia sp. ‘Little Monk’ Opuntia polyacantha ‘Citrus Punch’ Opuntia phaeacantha ‘Dark Knight’ Opuntia aurea 'Coombe’s Winter Glow’ Opuntia aciculata / Chenille cactus https://t.co/q17SYFalkf
Texas Native Plant Lab / Dallas Arboretum All the prickly pears are producing new pads: Opuntia sp. ‘Little Monk’ Opuntia polyacantha ‘Citrus Punch’ Opuntia phaeacantha ‘Dark Knight’ Opuntia aurea ‘Coombe’s Winter Glow’ https://t.co/TcpalTe1d1