Oxalis stricta季節タイプ | ー |
日あたり | ー |
耐寒温度 | 0℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Horn-Sauerklee (Oxalis corniculata) - findet sich oft als Begleitflora im Garten. Bei mir flächig vorhanden. Es hat einen Bruder, den aufrechten Klee (Oxalis stricta - Bild imThread), der auch im Garten vorkommt und als essbare Wildpflanze Verwendung findet.
Common Yellow Woodsorrel (Oxalis stricta) A few of these shots are embarrassingly out of focus I thought these were clovers, but not so. The tiny yellow flowers only bloomed for a day or two. Wikipedia says they like sandy soil, guess that's why I see them in brick mortar!
The image is really self-explanatory; I have posted here an info page from on Oxalis stricta, or ‘common yellow oxalis’ - the same that’s described in my previous tweet.
Oxalis stricta is a native plant in my region (Eastern Canada) yet it is considered a massively annoying weed. I’m sure I’ve described Oxalis behaviour more than once as ‘it’s invaded the pot!’ But it is not an invasive species by definition of invasive = nonnative.