Columbines (Aquilegia canadensis), violet wood sorrel (Oxalis violacea), and rue anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides)... Spring is in session here
!!! Es la flor del trébol común, clasificada como "Oxalis violacea", y tiene propiedades medicinales y culinarias wowowow te amo florecita
Violet wood sorrel (Oxalis violacea)
@plantisotopes @MarshMaiden @DrAnnaFunk Jacob's ladder, bloodroot, oxalis violacea, pasque flower
Are you Oxalis violacea? Maybe...We are violet wood sorrel...Yes!We are Oxalis violacea! You are so cute♡ ムラサキカタバミ、だそうです #photography #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #iPhoneで撮影 #花が好き
A nice patch of Violet Wood Sorrel (Oxalis violacea) from a woodland patch of the Wayne National Forest. Although found throughout much of Ohio, I don't see it that often. This area of the Wayne, however, had TONS of it everywhere.
Oxalis violacea
@BRVogt @talkingrootworm @INHSillinois 1/Prairie-savanna plants: Ranunculs fascicularis (blooming for me in WI now...and flowers a long time--loams and sandy loams), Ranunculus rhomboideus, Besseya bullii, Phlox bifida, Houstonia caerulea, Houstonia longifolia, Oxalis violacea.
All parts of oxalis violacea, violet wood sorrel, are edible; flowers, leaves, stems, and bulb And can we please talk about how Inosuke gifts plants that are not only pretty but also feed you I'm