diretamente de um dos mais renomados conhecedores dos cactos brasileiros, Sr. Gerardus Olsthoorn. Estes dados estarão, em breve, disponíveis para consulta na base de dados online da instituição. Na foto, a Parodia ottonis, espécie endêmica da região sul do Brasil. A. Machado
My cactus collection has moved outside for spring! Bring on the ☀️ It’s been a tough winter for this lot, ravaged by root mealybugs and fungus gnats, not one came out unscathed and more than a few met their untimely end. Hopefully the fresh air and sun will give them a new start PS can anyone can help me ID the cactus on the top right? #plantmum #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #houseplantclubnz #cactus #cacti #cactiofinstagram #cactusarrangement #parodia #parodiabuiningii #parodiaturecekiana #parodiaottonis #melocactus #melocactusazureus #mammillaria #mammillariabocasana #mammillariagracilisfragilis #oroya #oroyaperuviana
今のところこんな候補。 Back:Parodia roseoluteus Left:Parodia microsperma or formosa Right:Parodia ottonis
#Parodia ottonis var vencluvianus in the desert conservatory @TheHuntington #cactus #succulents #FlowerReport https://t.co/nMbPUMQHjz
Parodia ottonis (Indian Head Cactus) https://t.co/BMagiew0Sh
para mi cumple quiero un Parodia Ottonis
Bella floración de una Parodia Ottonis http://t.co/tG0qWInqWF
30 Sementes De Cactos Parodia Ottonis http://t.co/mBrp5fR5
Parodia ottonis ❤
#кактус #суккулент #пародия #Sevastopol #succulent #cactus #cacti #parodia ottonis @ Стрелецкая… https://t.co/AueLMvTzZq