My cactus collection has moved outside for spring! Bring on the ☀️ It’s been a tough winter for this lot, ravaged by root mealybugs and fungus gnats, not one came out unscathed and more than a few met their untimely end. Hopefully the fresh air and sun will give them a new start PS can anyone can help me ID the cactus on the top right? #plantmum #plantsofinstagram #plantsmakepeoplehappy #houseplantclubnz #cactus #cacti #cactiofinstagram #cactusarrangement #parodia #parodiabuiningii #parodiaturecekiana #parodiaottonis #melocactus #melocactusazureus #mammillaria #mammillariabocasana #mammillariagracilisfragilis #oroya #oroyaperuviana
comers(;´∀`) Back row left : Rebutia heliosa var. cajasensis right : Mammillaria elongata Front : Parodia turecekiana R. heliosaは既に持ってるけどやっぱり同じじゃなかった、よかった(。•̀ᴗ-)و ̑̑✧ おうちコーヒーしますから(ΦωΦ)フフフ…