@xwallow__ 제라늄(Pelargonium inquinans) 꽃말 <결심, 진실한 애정, 그대가 있어 행복합니다, 그대를 사랑합니다> 개화 시기 <4~6월>
#Geraniaceae #Pelargonium inquinans (L.) L'Hér. / Geranio rojo #Pelargonium peltatum (L.) L'Hér. / Gitanilla #Pelargonium × hortorum L.H. Bailey / Malvón #Pelargonium zonale (L.) L'Hér. ex Aiton / Geranio rosado https://t.co/1MtyQJBT64
Pelargonium- Inquinans: Scarlet Geranium.. Photo @SopiPhotography #wildlifephotography #flowerphotography #Flowers #scarlet #geraniums #summertime #macrophotography #photography #PhotoOfTheDay #sopiphotography https://t.co/OD5C1aPlAh
Pelargonium × hortorum, (also called zonal geranium, garden geranium), is a nothospecies of Pelargonium most commonly used as an ornamental plant. It is a hybrid between Pelargonium zonale and Pelargonium inquinans. #Wikipedia. 1)160 f5.6 ISO 640 Canon EOS 90D EF-S 18-135 IS. https://t.co/Xd96rErKl1
Pelargonium inquinans, or scarlet geranium #plants https://t.co/1sTYxv2eWm