@MaladeMedecin @Docjedy @Gothgoth_ @nikodoc Dans leur dernière revue sur la toux ils disent que le miel fait quasiment aussi bien sur le tussidane D'ailleurs l'article est assez intéressant avec des options en phytothérapie : thym, feuille de lierre et extrait de racine de pélargonium sidoides (géranium africain)
@FartFromAmerika Prendi un calmante bronchiale (Pelargonium sidoides) e sei a posto.
@satkeqazgovi Vitamin C + D, Zinc, Selen (Brazil nuts). Drink herbal teas: thyme, artemisia annua, Rinse your nose with salt water douche Gargle with salt water, alternatively H2O2 Kaloba oil = Pelargonium sidoides Quick recovery! https://t.co/jNx8mx7JAV
Please RT our next client could be on your TL. Pelargonium sidoides and Aloe Ferox Whether you want the raw material or the finished good. We’ve got you! https://t.co/hnYRITxD6m
@simphiwe_nel “Pelargonium sidoides, also known as African geranium, is a plant-derived pharmaceutical used to treat acute bronchitis. It may also act as an immune system booster, and alleviate symptoms of the common cold and herpes.”
@ilikeprofits Cistus incanus and Pelargonium sidoides for HIV and Cistus incanus for Ebola https://t.co/uZ4HxQ6QtQ https://t.co/oIzZHNct5Z Red Algae - Scytovirin https://t.co/UKAlk4dWuo
@karlacharinne For treating active cold/respiratory infections (viral or bacterial), Pelargonium sidoides extract has some of the most promising evidence for helping shorten duration and relieve symptoms. Its usually called Umckaloabo extract on Amazon, or patented as EPS730. Super safe too
@MetRyan96 Not mine.....my Pelargonium x sidoides is laden with flowers, as is my other hybrid Pelargonium on my alpine beds. Still some Lavender flowers out and my alpine Salvia has a few. Saxifrages will be flowering after Christmas.
pelargonium sidoides sabah sabah başıma bela olmazsın ya
@mikkallan ülkemizde abdi ibrahim tarafından üretim izni alan, lisansı schwabe firmasına ait, akut ve kronik solunum sistemi enfeksiyonlarında kullanılan etken madde olarak pelargonium sidoides bitkisinin kök ekstresini (eps 7630) 40 mg dozda içermektedir. Almanyada yaygın kullanılan damla
COVID-19 Sodium Chloride Bacteriostatic Water-Glyco Lipid DNA-Methylation-Noopept white honey melipona honey- Tyrosine-Piracetam~E. angustifolium-Pelargonium sidoides~Garlic- Rosemary-Jasmine beta sitosterol~Theophylline~kudzu~isoleucine~Lysine~Tropomyosin-petasites hybridus
COVID-19 Sodium Chloride Bacteriostatic Water-Glyco Lipid DNA-Methylation-Noopept white honey melipona honey- Tyrosine-Piracetam~E. angustifolium-Pelargonium sidoides~Garlic- Rosemary-Jasmine-lavender-beta sitosterol~Theophylline~kudzu~isoleucine~Lysine~Tropomyosin-
@FaheemYounus @Benazir_Shah This moron is a shill for big pharma & a fool. Lack of vit D is linked to covid death, mgmt should include quercetin (or Resveratrol) with zinc, vit A,C,D, use of garlic & onions, known antivirals, lemon juice and ACV in water to maintain cell alkalinity and Pelargonium Sidoides
The colour of this pelargonium sidoides is so intense I imagine it finding its way into my washing machine and dying an entire laundry load pink. https://t.co/IfiAXzRwh8
@ColleenHuberNMD What about this "non-prescription" for the engineered at Wuhan common-cold virus that causes a vaccine-like autoimmune response? 1. Selenium, vit c, vit D and zinc 2. Garlic and onions 3. Umcka (Pelargonium sidoides). 4.Lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and honey, in warm water
Le radici del Pelargonium Sidoides, il geranio del Sudafrica anche denominato fiore cicogna per la sua forma "è un ottimo stimolatore della cellula macrofagica e quindi può essere utile anche sia in prevenzione che durante contagio covid-#CoronavirusPandemic
Hafif kırgınlığınız varsa pelargonium sidoides ekstresi (umca, ocean pelumcka, pelumm) içeren solüsyonlar kullanabilirsiniz; ekstre antiviral, antibakteriyel ve bağışıklık güçlendirme ozellligine sahiptir. 12+ ve yetişkinlerde 3x30 damla, 6-12 yaş 3x20 damla, 1-6 yaş 3x10 damla+
@ntv D3 hormonu c vitamini kullanmalı mıyız. Pelargonium sidoides kökü ekstresi (umca solüsyon) faydalı olur mu. Teşekkürler
Pelargonium sidoides (Afrika sardunyası) kök ekstraktının coronovirüse karşı önlem olarak ve tedavi amaçlı kullanılmasının uygunluğu farmakologlar ve virologlar tarafından değerlendirilebilir. Hatırlatmakta fayda. Ancak uzman görüşü alınmadan kullanılmamalıdır. #vaka49
Here is my supplementary combo for immune system: Glutathione: 1cap 500mg/day, Propolis 20 drops/day, Vitamin C, 2g/day, Kaloba 30 drops/day ( Pelargonium sidoides ) Zinc 15mg/day, Vitamin D ( 1000 - 2000 ui /day ) and Diet soda ( for Zinc absorption ) - #CORONAVIRUS