@HedgehogHelveti We cuddled a bit in this beautiful meadow next to the Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera chlorantha). This beauty though found in a variety of habitats, was lost in many sites in the 20th century. https://t.co/qCBbRGEkzg
Merci au passionné qui a partagé un peu de ses spots à orchidées … j’ai qq centaines de photos à traiter … c’était un festival Cephalanthera damasonium Platanthera chlorantha Ophrys insectifera Ophrys sphegodes Orchis purpurea Orchis simia A suivre
Platanthera chlorantha (1 seul individu observé et une floraison qui débute) #InonderTwitterDePlantes #orchids https://t.co/nws8g8opF1
Platanthera chlorantha (greater butterfly orchid) in an ancient woodland in the midlands today, seems to have spread to some new spots #wildflowerhour https://t.co/CEvpBDby1a
I think this is a Greater Butterfly-orchid, Platanthera chlorantha, because of the spike of greenish white flowers. https://t.co/9toD18nAAQ