@YMediterranea @DJMatus Se refiere a la planta esa conocida como vaporub, una calendula Plectranthus Tomentosa o al petrolato de la malvada Vick's?
my favorite, easy-care houseplant is a Vicks Plant, or if you're fancy, a Plectranthus Tomentosa! they like bright light and to be watered once a week, or just when they're dry. they grow super fast in the right conditions, are super pretty & smell great. 10/10 would recommend https://t.co/Ap6N20oOTc
he nibbled some plectranthus tomentosa leaf (vicks plant) and thankfully it doesnt seem to be toxic but obviously he was peeved it wasn't as tasty as planned
Succulent Saturday presents: Plectranthus tomentosa (Vicks Plant) is a member of the mint family and has somewhat thin (still succulent) leaves. It's known for the minty, camphor fragrance of its leaves. Tomentose refers to the fuzzy, velvety coating that covers the whole plant. https://t.co/JOsKsUxUco
Planta de “vicks”, expectorante natural. Plectranthus tomentosa https://t.co/z1lod6darw
wow the internet occasionally kicks ass. it helped me identify this as plectranthus tomentosa, colloquially referred to as the Vicks plant. I broke some of the old growth off and smelled my fingers and sure enough, this lil mf smells like vaporub. i'll be dipped.
La planta de la derecha huele a vaporub, se llama “plectranthus tomentosa” No la encontré en el yerberito ilustrado, pero segun lei en internet sirve para hacer ungüento calentando las hojas para descongestionar las vias respiratorias. https://t.co/QOBYEIDnQQ
I’m not entirely sure, I think that’s a Vicks plant, Plectranthus tomentosa. It gives a very strong smell when you touch it.
장미허브(빅스플랜트)Vicks Plant 플렉트란투스 토멘토사 Plectranthus tomentosa 자료보기 : http://blog.daum.net/502mm/15587671 http://twitpic.com/43huyv
/weeping/ my 3 child, , Nusaybah, plectranthus tomentosa aka Vick's plant, she's, , uniquely fragrant, , ;;_;; https://t.co/JlGtDtlrCg
@DanieRuin Vicks plant, aka Plectranthus tomentosa
Plectranthus tomentosa; vick's vapo-rub plant http://t.co/QnVNEDTrw6
[문현선 플로리스트의 식물이야기]화훼장식재료_분화_장미허브 Plectranthus tomentosa: [문현선 플로리스트의 식물이야기]화훼장식재료_분화_장미허브 Plectranthus tomentosa... http://t.co/xjoEhGXF
학명Plectranthus tomentosa 영명 Vicks Plant, Succulent Coleus 얻어온 가지를 흙에 꽂았을 뿐인데 뿌리를 내리고 추운겨울을 견디며 식막함을 달래주니 고마울뿐이다. http://t.co/Hnm6BCGU