Plumeria obtusa
@EstasTonne Singapore Obtusa is the only evergreen plumeria aka grave yard plumeria as used in cemeteries & temples. Only plants made from cuttings of the mother tree will bloom true. Plumeria grown from seed R individual like no other. I have had the pleasure to bring many into this world.
Asimina incana Asimina obovata Asimina parviflora Asimina pygmaea Asimina reticulata Asimina tetramera Asimina triloba Cascabela thevetia Cascabela thevetioides Nerium oleander Plumeria alba Plumeria inodora Plumeria obtusa Plumeria rubra
Morning light... here we have Crassula Ovata, Antidesma venosum (Tassel Berry tree), Plumeria obtusa (Frangipani, or Singapore graveyard flower), and Jacaranda mimosifolia against a beautiful blue sky. #bluesky…
@MarquisAteyah @esraaalshabi بلوماريا ابتوسا plumeria obtusa وتعرف في المشاتل باسم الياسمين الهندي او الفتنة. منها عدة الوان الابيض والابيض مع الاصفر والاحمر والموف ودرجات الالوان لما سبق . اشهرها الابيض ورائحة زهورها عطرية فواحة مساء
Good morning #Resisters this is Plumeria Obtusa Singapore graveyard, I showed before in white and also in pink. This has yellow. Beautiful. These are small trees , not taller than 10 feet. #nature #flowers #naturelovers #beautiful
Lagi lagi kalau anak tu kembar.. plumeria rubra dengan plumeria obtusa
In Asia and Hawaii, the Singapore plumeria (P. obtusa) is widely grown. Nosegay frangipani (P. rubra