Puya berteroniana季節タイプ | ー |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | -6℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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Mostly rting because this tanager (i think?) Is perched on one of my favorite plants in the world Puya berteroniana/alpestris. They're 2 different species, but both have true turquoise flowers and they're goddamn gorgeous. I have a tiny 2 yo one and I can't wait till it blooms https://t.co/nbGWj4kt5R
@furoroman プヤ・アルペストリス・ツェルネリ Puya alpestris zoellnerii (旧名称:プヤ・ベルテロニアナ Puya berteroniana) 日本でも売ってるけど観賞用なので農薬使ってる可能性あるのでお薦めしない。高いし。 https://t.co/q6bSk4Fi1P (→)
@cyrusraytraviss Puya Berteroniana https://t.co/E3jgGo9mlC
@FLOTUS @StephGrisham45 Whuuuuttttttt!!!!! "Puya Berteroniana" #Chile https://t.co/k8KPdfC2hP