Rhipsalis pachyptera季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日陰 |
耐寒温度 | 5℃ |
開花時期 | 春夏秋冬 |
レッドリスト 低危険種
ワシントン条約 低リスク 輸出入制限
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Today I bought a Rhipsalis pachyptera plant in a 3.5cm pot. Who knew 3.5cm pots were even a thing? We repotted it as soon as we got home and it's now living the high life in a 6cm pot. #cactus #succulents #houseplants #HouseplantHour https://t.co/xYyWcXnba3
rhipsalis pachyptera, brasilien https://t.co/ofhpEM2kFg
New blog post: 'Rhipsalis pachyptera flowering' - http://t.co/X36ZGqXW34 - about Balcony-greenhouse, cacti, Cylin… http://t.co/Fo23QPtDTw
https://t.co/OR0ngpHDyG - Rhipsalis pachyptera. The #morefunz page https://t.co/cdKi6KZ6dY