フロストシュガーは俗称で正しくはリプサリス ピロカルパだった 興味のあるフォロワー様がいたら春に株分けするので声掛けてね
@godly1966 @JamTheGardenMan Beautiful. I've used my @PlantNetProject app that suggests it's either Rhipsalis pilocarpa or Rhipsalis baccifera.
Lucifer (rhipsalis pilocarpa) https://t.co/Vkc49mjRyD
リプサリスに花が咲いてる‼️ リプサリス数種類育てているけど初めて❣️ ごまちゃんがうちの子になってから小さな幸せがちょいちょいやってくるような…気のせいなんだろうけどw いいことありそう(´∀`=) #リプサリス #ピロカルパ https://t.co/lLoj08qwTB
It is remarkably difficult to capture a good photo of a rhipsalis (and hatiora) plant outdoors. The amount of new growth this genus is able to produce in a season amazes me. They grow perfectly fine without the summer vacation, but will grow about half as much. 1. Hatiora salicornioides: this is probably one of my oldest plants. I started this one from a cutting about 25 years ago. It spends much of the winter covered with yellow blooms. 2. Rhipsalis pilocarpa: this one started in a three inch pot about ten years ago. It has been living in a four inch pot for about eight years. I still have no intention of repotting. 3. Rhipsalis pentaptera: this is my most unusual rhipsalis and has been in my collection for about ten years. 4+5. Rhipsalis ewaldiana: this one is new. I've only been growing this since about January or so of this year. Keeping these guys in smaller pots is truly the secret to success. They are epiphytic cacti and would prefer frequent waterings and going dry in a few days over being in a larger container. If your rhipsalis is not dry within a week or two of watering, you will have a problem eventually. #rhipsalis #hatiorasalicornioides #rhipsalispilocarpa #rhipsalispentaptera #rhipsalisewaldiana #epiphyte #epiphyticcactus #junglecactus #hangingcactus #cactusofinstagram #succulentsofinstagram #plantdaddy #houseplantsofinstagram #houseplantclub #houseplantcommunity #plantaddict #houseplantsofinstagram #houseplants #houseplanthoarder #houseplantlove #houseplantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsaremypeople #greenthumb #indoorjungle #plantnerd #plantobsessed #plantsplantsplants #plantcommunity #oldplants
I probably should check my outdoor plants’ roots by now— it’s been pouring for weeks, but boy do I love the rainy season. #hatiorasalicornioides #rhipsalispilocarpa #trailingthingstuesday #planthoardersph
I have a bit of an epiphytic cactus obsession. This isn't even my entire collection of jungle cacti, but ten is the limit for pictures here. A couple of these plants are newer, but most have been in my collection for at least a decade. Their blooming season is beginning with the rhipsalis pilocarpa, but one or more of them is usually heading into blooming season at any given time. These guys are easy if you understand their needs, but can be challenging for a once a week waterer. I would give care instructions, but each one is completely different. Feel free to ask if you have specific questions. #epiphyte #epiphyllum #epiphyllumhookeri #nightbloomingcereus #rhipsalis #cactusofinstagram #junglecactus #succulents #rhipsalisewaldiana #rhipsaliscapilliformis #rhipsalispilocarpa #rhipsalispentaptera #hatiorasalicornioides #epiphyllumguatemalensemonstrosa #cryptocereusanthonyanus #ricraccactus #selenicereusgrandiflorus #plantcollection #plantcollector #plantnerd #greenthumb #upstatejungle
ようこそわがやへ✨ ・ ホームセンターの片隅で寂しそうにうつ向いていた 枝も折れてて元気無さそう1鉢200円の激安セール うちに来る?って連れて帰ってきた☺♥ ・ 左側 リプサリス・ピロカルパ (フロストシュガー) 右側 リプサリス・バッキフェラ ・ 名札にバッキフェラってなってたけど カスッサに似てるなぁ~同じなのかな? #サボテン #succulent #green #houseplants #garden #rhipsalis #リプサリス #euphorbia #ユーフォルビア #サボテン #pilocarpa #cactus #cassutha #カスッサ #ピロカルパ #バッキフェラ #フロストシュガー #糸葦 #朝の霜 #多肉植物
ホヤ リネアリス(右2個) 星型の白いお花が咲きます エアプランツ アエラントス (真ん中吊り) リプサリス (下2個) #花 #リプサリス #ピロカルパ #バーチェリー #アエラントス #ホヤ #リネアリス #イオンモール #泉南 #多肉植物 #サボテン
Rhipsalis pilocarpa 外に置いてある挿し穂はしっかり発根していて、朝日の当たる場所で蕾を付けていました。 少し白っぽく写っているのでもう少し露出を調整しないと。 室内管理のものは光が足りなすぎてまだ蕾は付けていません。朝日くらいなら直射日光当てた方がいいみたい。 https://t.co/GF6xazoKmn
This was my greenmarket find today, priced so well I got 2 (need to stop going b/c don't have much space left for more plants). It's Rhipsalis Pilocarpa, a type of jungle cactus, or mistletoe cactus. They’re rainforest understory epiphytic plants so not like regular cacti at all! https://t.co/KT14R3iozZ
Rhipsalis pilocarpa やはり垂れ下がっているのは手を出さずにはいられないようです。 #Rhipsalis #リプサリス #cactus https://t.co/RDZd3nBoso
@thebiologistisn •Two Harrisia aboriginum grown from seed (seller listed them as a nonexistent species). •Rhipsalis pilocarpa (I have no excuse, I'm frivolous) •Vanilla dilloniana (had NO idea they were vulnerable in the wild) •Lophophora williamsii (though I bought the seeds reputably)
吊るす場所ないから移動した #リプサリス #ピロカルパ https://t.co/dWWIEUDkhK
@Akeydel You get Rhipsalis pilocarpa -- a leggy boy with a powerful verve!
Ongeveer een jaar geleden heb ik stukjes van de Rhipsalis Pilocarpa van oma afgeknipt, in de potgrond geduwd en nu heeft hij zo’n 60 bolletjes aan zijn stengels gemaakt. Er komen bloemetjes aan?!
New flower coming on Rhipsalis pilocarpa #cactus #succulents #houseplants https://t.co/VpZItktbUK https://t.co/KT3Bz3ESfs
The Rhipsalis, R. pilocarpa and R. ewaldiana, are enjoying the warm weather indoors and putting on... https://t.co/YZml8eNHZH
リプサリス "ピロカルパ"? 種類が分からない https://t.co/wQZojZ5x9n
*ケビンの新しい友達* リプサリスピロカルパの ♡ステファニー♡ https://t.co/ED2y7lZFKy