@dnkandice @Joargu @wonder_m_r @vosgos_ Ah, es un senecio herreianus, me parece que le dicen collar de sandías crece súper rápido!
冬季は陶器鉢は冷えるよね。だから内側にポリポット入れてそこに植え替えました。 #Senecio_herreianus variegata (Variegated String of Beads) エンジェルティアーズ錦 https://t.co/dMuo8N8Gpf
@akomodacja Starzec, a dokładnie: senecio herreianus! ❤
@xmillyvx To dokładnie senecio herreianus, czyli "starzec"
Les ami.e.s à la main verte, j'ai récupéré il y a peu un senecio herreianus et celui-ci dépérit à vue d'œil. Vous avez une idée de ce qui peut clocher ? Merci ! https://t.co/ORvllcGZJM
Curio herreanus (String of Watermelons), formerly known as Senecio herreanus or Senecio herreianus, is a stunning succulent with trailing stems and subglobose leaves. Plant profile: https://t.co/X87g1DBP0i https://t.co/OnnnEXynMO
This plant is Senecio herreianus or String of tears, it’s a succulent vine. With succulents you don’t need to water often, water them every 1-2 weeks, succulents store water in their leaves that’s why they don’t need to be watered as much as other plants https://t.co/81BoGM7ioa
New babies. That magical store on Bloor Street will be the death of me. Left to right: Senecio herreianus, Hoya carnosa (a tricolour cultivar), and unknown. Again, no tags. I was just lucky enough to have some… https://t.co/UlVm8HkEzT
@CactusSucculent Sedum mocinianum, Senecio herreianus and I'm completely wowed by this Euphorbia obesa. https://t.co/4Hvpf2irr4
#100daysofhappiness dag 010: Een bloemetje ontdekt aan mijn Senecio Herreianus (string of tears). Het is altijd zo leuk om te zien dat mijn planten het goed doen ☘️
Estoy MUY emocionada pq a mi senecio herreianus le han salido 11 flores
En otro orden de cosas a mi senecio herreianus le están saliendo flores
How about a trailing succulent Senecio selection? Senecio 'Hippogriff', Senecio herreianus and Senecio rowleyanus. A string of dolphins, a string of gooseberries and a good old string of beads. #succulents #houseplants #senecio https://t.co/5j1gyl89pm
Got these bbys in the mail today. I just ordered one Monstera adansonii, but the seller included two monsteras, Sempervivium Reinhardt, and Senecio herreianus as free surprises! In love. #monstera #monsteraadansonii #greenthumb https://t.co/LFCaEc8okO
@PopBadger Dischidia nummularia in the terracotta pot. Senecio rowleyanus (string of beads) in the white pot. Senecio herreianus, Rhipsalis mesembryanthemoides and Ceropegia woodii 'Variegata' (string of hearts) in the black pots.
@janeperrone @ianthwaites The plant that is sold under the name Senecio herreianus 'Purple Flush' or similar isn't actually Senecio herreianus. I think it is a cultivar of Othonna capensis; it looks a lot like 'Ruby Necklace'. It's most obvious it is mislabelled when it gets yellow flowers. #houseplants
A Senecio selection in case #SenecioSunday is a thing. I bet it is. Senecio 'Hippogriff' just looking like a string of dolphins, Senecio herreianus, Senecio citriformis flowers and good old Senecio rowleyanus. #senecio #succulents #succulentSunday #houseplants https://t.co/froC98LDeH
Кресновник херреианус Senecio herreianus
Кресновник херреианус Senecio herreianus
Кресновник херреианус Senecio herreianus