Senecio kleinia季節タイプ | 夏型 |
日あたり | 日なた |
耐寒温度 | -3℃ |
開花時期 | - |
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[UNIQUE PLANTS FOR SALE] Tabik, teman-teman! Aku (Cac.tee) ngejual dua jenis tanaman unik ini nih; 1. Senecio Kleinia; 2. Huernia Zebrinia Variegata. Detailnya di utas ini yaa: https://t.co/QHBe0mLAKn
1.Senecio Kleinia Tanaman unik yang daunnya mirip jarum dan adanya di bagian atas doang, tumbuhnya relatif cepet dan tinggi. Maintenance nya relatif simple kok, harganya juga murah 50k aja per pot :D Di foto kedua dan ketiga itu contoh tumbuh tingginya kaya gimana. https://t.co/DdlunLVUzM
Today's plant is a succulent called the pickle plant. One location called it "Senecio Stapeliaeformis" but another site says the correct genus is kleinia not senecio. Either way, I love this plant, called pickle because of the shapes on its trunk. https://t.co/ddB507gTFq
@tom_cranham @houseplanthour @janeperrone I was a bit disappointed the Senecio/Kleinia turned out to just be one branched plant; I was sure there were 3 in there. #HouseplantHour