ステファニア エレクタ 綺麗な芋と可愛い丸い葉じゃ https://t.co/0C9jKNUw3n
One of three large Stephania erecta that I got while in Thailand, this one is putting up a lot of vines. First come flowers, and then come the leaves. . . . #vsco #vscocam #vscophile #vscox #myplants #rareplants #raresucculents #succulentaddict #多肉植物… https://t.co/WsfR46K3aD https://t.co/UEA4b7riex
Another wishlist plants (unique edition) 1. Stephania Erecta. Just wow 2. Peperomia Prostata / String of Turtles. Look at those 3. Hoya Carnosa 'compacta' / Hoya Hindu Rope plant 4. Monstera Dubia. https://t.co/wJRfKoVzH6
Stephania Erecta . https://t.co/8C6a6EYuqY
Stephania erecta https://t.co/FgwUnI8fVn
✨ Stephania Erecta ✨ photo by mulhalls on IG https://t.co/ef49UDGG6V
My original Stephania erecta has finally put out a nice vine and some leaves! . . #vsco #vscocam #vscophile #vscox #myplants #rareplants #raresucculents #succulentaddict #多肉植物 #塊根植物 #stephania #erecta #stephaniaerecta #caudexlicious #caudex #plan… https://t.co/KHoVjzSKml https://t.co/nIX3cH7TLM
【戦利品紹介】 Stephania erecta 数年前にヴェノサを枯らしてしまい、Stephaniaに飢えていたところちょうど良い株を発見!即買い!(もはや塊根中毒である…) 発根済みって言ってたけど未発根やんけ!(^^; 誰とは言わんがしっかりしろよ!二代目! https://t.co/MymdYNy3E5
Need a Stephania erecta, but they're like €30 minimum X( https://t.co/VOdTrYyrET
Fave finds today: a baby Cycas revoluta and a bunch of small Stephania erecta bulbs! https://t.co/BPwZ9Zu0MW
Stephania Erecta https://t.co/Gf7yCXJqzz
Stephania erecta/Begonia mellanobullata. https://t.co/5OrKtjjriA
So with YOUR help from our successful Kickstarter campaign, one of the many weird plants we’ve started to grow in the greenhouse is this #stephaniaerecta - this super slow growing plant is just so weird it’s beautiful. Hopefully we should have some ready… https://t.co/f6PFYkCeuY https://t.co/sxvYlNE4r8
plantcetera – Name: Stephania erecta. Thank you for sharing with #plantcetera : @plantsies… instatopin.com/plantcetera-na… pic.twitter.com/deprHP2vvg
plantcetera – Name: Stephania erecta. Love the foliage, looks like nasturtium. : @plantsies… instatopin.com/plantcetera-na… pic.twitter.com/BcJi8xRUQT
@Nelleengel Is een stephania erecta ☺️
plantcetera – Name: Stephania erecta. Love this weird plant! : @murochkainsg… instatopin.com/plantcetera-na… pic.twitter.com/QLBAzxJS6Q
영어 명 stephania erecta
ステファニアのヴェノサとエレクタ 夏に芽を出さなかったから諦めてたのに… 今頃?なぜに?暖かくしてたら、このままでいいのかな~ https://t.co/T4utPQbnFj
でも葉っぱの形はぶっちぎりでエレクタが好きです。丸くて薄くて葉脈が美しい✨ #ステファニア https://t.co/HN8qzYVowK